Chapter 9

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My eyes fluttered open, the morning rays shinning through my window. I felt well rested, satisfied. No alcohol. No bad dreams. No pain. Just sleep. It was... Amazing.

I turned my head, seeing Ellie already awake, her eyes watching me.

A smile lit up my face. "Good morning..."

She returned my smile. "Morning. How'd you sleep?"

I leaned forward, pressing a light kiss to her lips. "Better than I have in a long time."

She giggled as she straddled my lap, looking down at me, her hair hanging over my face. "Good..."

My eyes fell closed as she leaned down to kiss me again. "Your breath smells..." She whispered.

"So does yours..." I said back, causing us to laugh.

"You have a toothbrush I can borrow? I kinda didn't bring anything." She asked.

"Yeah, follow me." I replied.

We rolled out of bed and made our way to the bathroom. After brushing our teeth, we decided to hop in the shower.

I let the warm water run through my hair, Ellie leaning against the back wall of the shower, her eyes running down my wet body, biting her bottom lip.

I smirked. "You're totally checking me out right now..."

She shrugged. "Can you blame me?"

My cheeks flushed. "Come here..."

She slowly approached me, closing the distance between us, capturing my lips with hers as her hands moved up to my wet hair.

I pulled her under the water with me as my hands traveled up the back of her thigh to her butt.

She giggled into our kiss. "You're totally touching my butt right now..."

I shrugged. "Can you blame me?"

She laughed some more before kissing me again, running one of her free hands down my chest, over my stomach.

I felt a moan build in my throat when her hand landed just below my waist.

Her finger pressed against me, a lustful look passing over her pretty features. "Feels like someone's excited..."

My eyes fell closed as her finger moved in small, delicate circles. "Fuck..."

Her free hand pulled my head back a little, her lips meeting the skin just under my ear.


"Yes..." Her voice breezed past my ear.

I grabbed her for support, my nails lightly digging into her skin. "Don't stop..."

She backed us up against the wall, her finger slipping past me, then another.

"Oh my God..." I groaned.

She smirked, picking up the pace. "You're so sexy..."

I locked eyes with her, one of my hands resting between her thighs. Her lips parted, a light breath slipping past as her eyes fell closed.

"Not as sexy as you..." I said between breaths.

Her fingers tightened in my hair, her forehead pressing against mine. "Tess... You're gonna make me..." She struggled.

She tried to keep pace, but I could tell I was winning. "Already..?"

Her head lulled back, her muscles tightening around me. "Yes... Yes..."

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