Chapter 5

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Another blissful slumber passed and, for the second day in a row, I found the urge to drink nonexistent. I had actually slept in my bed tonight, which was something I usually tried to avoid.

I hummed to myself as I got ready for the day. My dinner date with Ellie wouldn't be until around seven o'clock, which meant I had plenty of time.

I looked at myself in the mirror, holding a dress against my half naked body. To frilly...

I held up the next one. To loud...

After searching my whole closet, I finally landed on something more casual. Blue jeans and a nice sweater. Cute, respectable. Perfect.

I threw the clothes on and put the finishing touches on my hair and makeup before making my way into the living room, sitting down on my couch.

My phone suddenly rang out from my pocket and I smiled before answering. "Hello?"

"Hey, sweetie..." I heard her voice. A voice I haven't heard in months.

My whole demeanor fell. "Hey, mom... What can I do for you?"

"What? I can't call my own daughter just to chat?" She replied accusingly.

I rolled my eyes. "I'd prefer it if you didn't."

"Tessa... I'm trying to do the right thing... I'm trying to fix what I broke... But, I can't do that if you won't let me."

I stood from the couch, making my way to the bottle of tequila waiting for me on the counter. "Did you ever think that maybe I don't want you to? Maybe I just want you out of my life for good."

"Tessa!" She scolded as I threw the bottle back. "I'm your mother-"

"Bullshit! You gave that up when you abandoned me and dad!" I shouted, cutting her off.

She went quiet and I could feel the tears building behind my eyes. "Dad was sick... I couldn't take care of him on my own... I was only sixteen, mom... I needed you and you weren't fucking there!"

"Tessa, I'm sor-" I hung up the phone and tossed it on the counter.

The phone started to ring again, my moms number flashing on the screen.

I just ignored her, taking another swig from the bottle. Why now? Why today?

"Mom? Where are you? Dad has chemo in twenty minutes." I said through the phone.

It's the seventh message I've left her today. Her addiction was getting worse. It was dragging her farther and farther away from us. With my dads declining health, I didn't know what to do.

I slid my phone back in my pocket as my dad stumbled into the living room, coughing into a napkin. "It's ok, honey, she'll meet us there..."

   I leaned on the counter for support as the phone started ringing again. "Just leave me alone..." I muttered to myself, grabbing the bottle of tequila before making my way to the couch, throwing back another big swig...

I must've fallen asleep, because a loud knock on the door startled me awake.

I rolled off the couch and glanced out the window, seeing it was night time. "Shit."

I quickly ran up to the door, pulling it open, only to see Ellie standing on the other side. She wore a cute dress and a pout.

"I'm so sorry-" I started, but she raised her hand, cutting me off.

"I've been calling you for an hour. What happened?" She asked.

I sighed, my shoulders slumping. "My mom... She wouldn't stop calling me... I had a little bit to much to drink and ended up passing out on the couch... Ellie, I'm so sorry, really I am."

She looked at me for a long second before the pout fell from her face. "Well... Are you just gonna make me stand out here all night or are you gonna invite me in?"

I looked up at her, slightly shocked. "U-uh, yes, please come in."

I held the door open and let her slip past me.

She inspected the living room as I quickly puffed up my hair. "Uh, sorry, I haven't had a chance to clean up around here lately."

She picked the tequila bottle off the floor next to the couch. "Mind pouring me a shot?"

I nodded quickly, taking the bottle from her. "Yeah, of course."

I walked into the kitchen, grabbing another glass before pouring out two shots.

She joined me, picking up her glass, raising it. "To great first impressions."

A humorous smile spread on her lips as I clinked her glass with mine, letting out a little laugh. "Cheers."

We downed the shots and I proceeded to pour out two more as she spoke. "So, you wanna tell me why your mother calling would lead you to drinking?"

I hesitated before setting the bottle down. "She... Well, she was a drunk..."

Ellie looked on as I continued. "When I was a teenager, my father was diagnosed with lung cancer... Watching him slowly wither away in front of us turned my mom to the bottle... She kinda went AWOL after he died and I haven't seen much of her since... I guess she's sober now and wants to make things right... But, how am I supposed to forgive her? She abandoned us at our lowest point, you know..."

She tilted her head slightly, studying me. "If drinking caused your mom to split, why would you following in her footsteps fix that?"

I looked down into my shot glass. "There's more to it than that..."

She downed her shot before me, making her way to the couch afterwards. "Care to enlighten me?"

I set my empty glass down before joining her. "I went through a really bad break up a few months ago... Her name's Macy... We dated for three years, she was the first person I ever fell in love with..."

The memories started to resurface as I wiped at my eyes. "She, uh, dumped me without much of an explanation outside of she wanted to sleep around... Then, two days later, my best friend showed up at my house early in the morning... Told me Macy had come onto her, that they... That they slept together..."

Ellie sighed, lowering her head. "I'm sorry, Tessa... That's awful..."

I shook my head, sniffling a little. "It's in the past now..." Then, why did it still hurt?

Ellie surprised me, taking my hand in hers. "Still..."

I finally met her gaze, a single tear rolling down my cheek.

She lifted her hand, gently wiping the tear away with her thumb. "You're far to pretty to cry..."

I smiled a little, wiping my other eye. "Thanks..."

She smiled back, slowly leaning in.

My heart hammered in my chest as I followed suit.

Our lips eventually meeting in the middle for a soft kiss.

I closed my eyes as we pulled apart. "Ellie... It's been a long time..."

She ran her finger under my chin, lifting my head. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to..."

I rested my forehead against here's, another flash of memories playing behind my eyes. "Will you... Will you stay with me tonight..?"

She smiled lightly, pressing another brief kiss to my lips. "If you want me to..."

I closed my eyes, taking in a breath. "I do..."

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