Chapter 6

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   I woke up the next morning, Ellie sprawled out next to me, her head resting on my chest.

   A smile tugged at my lips as I ran a couple fingers through her hair. "Good morning..."

   She started to stir, smiling up at me. "Good morning... I haven't slept that good in years..."

   I let out a slight laugh. "Neither have I..."

   She crawled onto my lap, leaning down to kiss me. "I'm really glad we skipped dinner..."

   I felt a twinge of guilt then. "Sorry about that... I'll make it up to you, I promise..."

   She kissed me again before hopping out of bed. "Deal... Now, as nice as this was, I should be heading home..."

   I stood up out of bed, ruffling my hair. "Alright, I'll walk you out."

   She opened the front door, stepping down onto my porch before turning around to address me. "I'm working tonight... Am I gonna see you there?"

   I smirked. "I might make an appearance."

   She rolled her eyes playfully, kissing me quickly before heading over to her car, just as Hunter was pulling into my driveway.

   She gave Ellie a look before walking up in front of me. "Did I see you guys kissing?"

   I nodded, a serious blush growing on my cheeks.

   She smiled. "Did she... spend the night?"

I rolled my eyes playfully, drawing my word out. "Yes..."

She wiggled her eyebrows. "Did you guys... sleep together..?

   I shook my head, smiling. "No... Well, technically yes, but we didn't have sex."

   Her shoulders slumped. "Oh... Bummer."

   I gave her a nudge and we shared a laugh before heading inside.

   Hunter poured herself a shot before joining me at the kitchen table. "You're not drinking?"

   I shook my head. "Not today... I'm not really feeling it."

   Hunter eyed me, a little smile playing on her lips. "Good..."

   I returned her smile before looking down. "My mom called yesterday..."

   Hunter downed her shot, letting out a sigh. "What'd she want?"

   I shrugged, still looking down at the table. "Same old, same old..."

   Hunter tapped her nails against the table, seemingly choosing her words carefully. "Maybe... Maybe you should just hear her out..."

   I let out a scoff. "That woman doesn't deserve my time. Not after what she did..."

   Hunter looked up at me. "Tess... She's your mother..."

   I just shook my head. "I don't care..."

   Hunter let out a breath. "I understand... I'm just trying to help..."

   I met her gaze, my demeanor softening. "I know..."

   She tapped her finger against the table again. "I talked to Macy yesterday..."

   I stood up then, just the mentioning of her name was enough to kill my mood. "And? What the hell did she want?"

   "She asked about you..." Hunter replied.

   I poured myself a shot. So much for not drinking today.

   "She asked me how you were holding up..." She added.

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