Chapter 11

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The months seemed to pass quickly after that. Hunter and Ellie really hit it off, making for some fun get togethers. As promised, Ellie and I joined my mom for dinner. It was nice being able to talk to her without all that anger and resentment. And she absolutely adored Ellie, which was a plus.

Macy and I kept in contact. I haven't seen her since that night after my outburst at the strip club. But, she'd check in every now and then. Making sure I was still ok. Speaking of, I haven't had a drink since Ellie made me dump my bottle. And, honestly, I didn't need it. Not anymore. Everything seemed to be going smoothly. Every piece falling into place.

I used to think I'd never be able to pull myself out. That I had doomed myself to a life full of anger and alcohol. Yet, here I was. Happy. Surrounded by people that I loved and they loved me right back. This is what life was truly about...

I stood behind the bar at the strip club, watching my girlfriend on stage. Her movements were graceful, sexy. All eyes were on her. But, she only had eyes for one person in the whole club. Me. How lucky.

Then, Bentley approached the bar, smiling as she sat on one of the stools. "Hey, stranger. I could use a shot."

I smiled at her. "What'll it be?"

She returned it. "Surprise me."

I know what you're thinking, should a recovering alcoholic really be working behind a bar? Well, after being unemployed for longer than I can remember, I desperately needed a job. Ellie said they were looking for new bartenders and I've always been good at pouring drinks. Plus, when those eyes of hers found mine through the crowd, I knew I would be ok. Any urge I might've had disappeared the moment she looked at me. She was my cure now. And she always would be.

As I poured Bentley her mystery shot, Ellie herself joined us, leaning over the bar to kiss my cheek. "Hey, babe."

I flashed her a smile. "Hey, yourself. You looked great up there."

She sat on a stool, smiling back. "Thanks."

Bentley looked between the two of us as she downed her shot. "You guys are way to cute."

We all shared a laugh as someone came up, asking Bentley for a dance.

She tapped the bar. "Alright, duty calls. Stay outta trouble, you two."

We waved her off as she led the guy through the crowd.

Ellie looked to me then. "So, I'm off in an hour. Wanna come back to my place?"

I leaned on the bar, looking her up and down, biting my lower lip. "Sure thing, gorgeous."

She blushed. "Why are you looking at me like that..?"

I took her hand in mine, bringing it up to my lips for a quick pec. "Because, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen..."

She giggled. "You're such a flirt."

I returned it. "Only for you..."

After clocking out, we headed back to Ellie's place. Her lips were on mine before we even made it through the door.

   My hands found her waist, pulling her body flush against mine.

   She tangled her hands in my hair, breathing heavily through her nose.

   As her kisses traveled down to my neck, I spoke up. "We should... Take this inside... Before someone sees us..."

   Ellie smirked, looking up at me. "You're right..."

   She opened her front door, leading me through before pushing it closed.

   Her lips returned to mine as I slipped my jacket off my shoulders, letting it fall to her floor.

   She kicked her shoes off before pulling her sweater over her head.

   Then, her hands found my belt as I reached behind her to unclasp her bra.

   We hurriedly pulled each other out of our clothes until there was nothing left between us.

   I felt her teeth against my ear. "God, you're beautiful..." She whispered.

   My eyes fell closed as her hand traveled between my thighs. "Ellie..."

   She moved her teeth to the side of my neck then, pressing her fingers against me.

   I felt my knees growing weak, my body already trembling. "I don't think I can stand here for very much longer..."

  Ellie bit her bottom lip, pulling back. "Then, let's go to my room..."

   I felt a blush grow on my cheeks as I followed her to her bedroom.

   She pushed me down onto her bed, pressing her lips to my chest, leading a fiery trail all the way down to my waist. Then, lower...

   After a little while, we laid next to each other in her bed, catching our breaths.

   I turned my head, meeting Ellie's gaze. "You're really good at that..."

   She giggled, kissing my cheek. "So are you..."

   This moment was something special. Looking into her eyes, I just knew. I was falling for her and I was falling hard. It was scary and intimidating. The last time I fell in love with someone, I got my heart broken. But, Ellie was different. I knew she was. And, I had to tell her.

   "Ellie..?" I asked in almost a whisper.

   Her eyes locked with mine. "Yeah..?"

   Getting the words out was hard. Not because they weren't true, but because this would only be the second time in my life I've ever uttered them to someone other than my family.

   "I... I want to tell you something... But, I'm scared... I'm scared of what it'll mean. I'm scared of what it'll do to me if this doesn't last..." I said honestly.

   She took my hand in hers as she pressed her forehead against mine. "Tess... You don't have to be afraid... I'm not going anywhere..."

   My heartbeat was fast, faster than it's ever been. I loved Macy, more than I care to admit sometimes, but Ellie was different. I loved Ellie more. There was a deeper connection. She had the power to utterly destroy me and she didn't even know it. But, I trusted her. Somewhere deep down, I knew she would never hurt me.

   "Ellie... I love you..." I said softly, looking into her eyes for any signs of fear or regret. But, the only thing I found was joy and admiration.

   The smile on her face was wider than I've ever seen. It put me at ease. And, when she uttered those words, I felt something inside me yell out in pure happiness.

   "I love you to..."


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