Chapter 3

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As night time rolled around, I found myself making my way into the club once again. Except, this time, Hunter declined to join me. I can't say I blamed her.

Bentley approached me. "Hey, beautiful, miss me?"

I gave her a little smile. "Actually... I was wondering if Juno was here yet?"

She folded her arms over her chest. "The new girl?"

I nodded.

She let out a little sigh. "Yeah, she's just getting changed."

I took a seat at the bar. "Alright, cool, if you see her could you tell her I'm looking for her?"

"Sure thing." She replied sternly before walking off into the fray.

I ordered myself a beer, Juno joining me shortly after.

"Hello, again." She greeted.

I smiled up at her, pulling the seat out next to me. "Hey, care to join me?"

"Only if you buy me a drink." She joked as she sat down next to me.

I paid for another beer and slid it her way.

"So... I believe I was promised a name 'next time.'" I said.

She smiled a little, looking around the club. "How about you buy a dance and we'll talk."

I finished off my beer before standing. "Deal."

She set hers down before leading me to the private rooms.

Once inside, I handed her a few bills and she thanked me, sprawling out over my lap afterwards. "Now... I'm not usually supposed to give out this information... But, I like you, so... My name's Ellie."

I took her hand in mine, giving it a little shake. "That's a really pretty name..."

She smirked, gliding her hands up my thighs. "Thank you, I like it to."

I smiled, a little laugh escaping me. "Must be nice."

She sat up then, looking down at me. "You don't like your name?"

I shrugged. "Well, when your named after your mothers childhood pet, it's hard to appreciate it."

This got her laughing. "Are you serious?"

I nodded. "My mother loved that dog..." My head lowered then. "Must be nice..."

She cupped my cheek, forcing me to look at her. "Hey? You ok?"

I forced a smile. "Yeah, thanks."

As the conversation continued, we found the dance to be the last thing on our minds. Ellie sat next to me on the little couch, sharing a funny childhood memory.

I laughed with her, telling her an embarrassing moment from high school. It was nice, just talking to her. It eased something in my heart that alcohol could never replace. Connection. I found it easy and enjoyable to talk to her. And suddenly, I felt that crush growing...

"Macy... I don't understand... I thought you loved me..?"

She lowered her head. "I do... I just... I have to go..."

She hung up then as I collapsed onto the couch, the tears threatening to fall. I was confused. Angry. Heartbroken. There was no explanation. No apologies. She was just gone...

I heard her snap her finger. "Hey? You still with me?" Ellie asked.

I looked up from the bar. "Yeah, sorry. Kinda zoned out for a second."

She sipped her beer, studying me. "Something on your mind?"

I looked down, spinning my bottle against the bar. "Its nothing new..."

She gave me a small, reassuring smile. "Wanna talk about it?"

I returned it. "Maybe next time..."

She chuckled. "Ok, when's 'next time?'"

I tapped my chin. "How about over dinner? Friday night? My treat."

A slight blush formed on her cheeks. "That... That sounds fun."

We agreed on a time, exchanged numbers, and then I was heading out for the night...

   My phone rang out from my pocket as I pulled into my driveway. I rolled my eyes before answering it. "What's up, Hunter?"

   She sighed. "Sorry, to call you this late... I just wanted to make sure you made it home ok..."

   I felt a twinge of guilt in my stomach. "Yeah... I'm ok... Thanks for checking..."

   "Just, after our conversation this morning... I was worried about you..."

   "I... She... She came on to me, Tess..." Hunter said.

   In that moment, I felt what was left of my heart shatter. It hasn't even been two days since we broke up. "What did you do..?"

   She looked down, her breathing becoming erratic as the tears fell faster. "We... We slept together..."

   And, there it was... The most painful thing I've ever experienced. It was worse then getting dumped. Worse then getting abandoned. It was pure betrayal by someone I've known since childhood. Someone I trusted with my life.

   She looked up at me. "I'm so sorry-"

   I cut her off, punching her as hard as I could.

   She fell back into the grass, clutching her jaw.

   "I hope it was fucking worth it!" I spat before slamming my door...

   I shook my head. "I appreciate it, but I should get going. I'm really tired."

   "Alright... Have a good night."

   "You to..." I replied, hanging up my phone with a sigh.

   I let the tequila burn it's way down my throat, leaning against my kitchen counter for support.

   I might've over done it tonight. The copious amount of alcohol swirling around my stomach, threatening to come back up.

   "Fuck..." I muttered, leaning over the kitchen sink to let it out.

   I wiped my mouth on a towel, closing my eyes. "Wouldn't be the first time..."

   I threw the towel on the counter before taking another big swig of my tequila, making my way over to the couch.

   My phone dinged just as I sat down. I pulled it out, seeing a text from Ellie. "Hey, just making sure you got home safe. You were pretty wasted."

   I smiled to myself, sending a quick text back. "Thanks for checking on me. You home yet?"

   "Yeah, getting ready for bed." She replied.

   I took another swig from the bottle before typing a reply. "Have a good night."

   "You to <3"

   My smile grew as I set my phone down, taking one last swig before sprawling out on the couch, sleep taking me quicker than usual...

The Cost of a Dance (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now