Backstory Part 2:Birthday and Wedding

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Its been 4 years since then,and now is your 16th birthday,your mother is hosting a Sweet Sixteen for you,and your very excited,not because of the party or occasion,but because Zeldris and Meliodas were coming over.

Y/n POV:

I opened the door to see who arrived,and fortunately,it was Meliodas,and behind him stood Zeldris.I smiled,"Hey guys!Come in." Meliodas walked in.Zeldris handed me a box."Happy Birthday,Melissa" he said,using my nickname.I got that nickname because me and Meliodas hung out a lot,so they thought he was my father or brother.They extracted the Meli from Meliodas and added an ssa at the end,birthing Melissa.I put the box down hugging Zeldris. "Open it" I looked at him."Eager much" I replied."Just do it" he demanded."Demanding much!" I replied.He crossed his arms,looking down at me.I stuck my tongue out at him,before picked the box back up,opening it.There was a pair of ruby,diamond,and gold earrings,along with a matching ring.I looked at him,"Z-Zel-" he interrupted me,kissing me roughly.I set the box down quickly wrapping my arms around his neck,his arms hugging my waist.He broke the kiss,looking lovingly at me."Will you marry me?".I hugged him again."Yes!Yes,I will!" .My mom was there in an instant."You'll what?" she asked.I looked at Zel.I was 16,the appropriate age to marry in the Demon Realm,and Zel clearly didn't want to wait any longer to make me his wife.I looked at my mom." I want to marry Zeldris."She was clearly taken aback.She giggled,"you really couldn't wait,huh Zeldris?".Zeldris' face blushed deep red,almost matching my crimson gown."I'm sure Y/n would love her anniversary and birthday on the same day" Meliodas threw in.I slapped him,faster than light,faster than Zeldris,harder than Meliodas,harder than the Demon King.Meliodas flew backwards,out an open window to the point where I couldn't see him."Whoops.." a few minutes later,Meliodas entered through the door,his head bleeding."Brother,are you sure you want her?" He said,as my mom cleaned his wound and bandaged his head."Yes,brother,I'm very sure," Zeldris said,Hugging me again"Alright,let's quickly cut this cake. We've got a wedding to plan after this!" she cheered,pushing me to the cake.

{Timeskip to the wedding}

I smiled,I didn't have any bridesmaids,so my mom was my maid of honor,and Meliodas was Zeldris' best man.It was a small wedding,mostly my mom's friends and workers at the castle attended.Okay,I take it back,the entire demon population was there,but it was like me and Zeldris were the only ones.The Demoness,or pastor of hell, growled out a demonic version of the wedding vows.We repeated them,word for word,at the exact same time."I promise to love,cherish,sacrifice,and abandon for you.For I love you more than others can think to explain." I let Zeldris do this part,"I know that when the time to deliver my heir comes,you'll be a wonderful mother,in raising them,and protecting them" he stopped ,now it was my turn."I know that when I deliver our heir,all pain will be worth it when I see the smile on your face,and I've no doubt in my mind that you and I will raise that child wonderfully,protecting it from anything that comes it's way" the Demoness spoke up." You may now kiss the bride" Zeldris swept me up,kissing me lovingly,as everyone cheered.Chandler and Cusack were in the front row,crying.The Demon King then said "I don't approve of Y/n".I looked at him,confused."She looks of a weak puny girl.I refuse for you to be with her,if you want me to approve her,she must leave at least a scratch on me." By the time that sentence had finished Zeldris tried the protest.I slapped him,walking to the Demon King.I cut his head and legs off."How's that?"Zeldris looked at me,surprised,but I just smiled.The two of us walked away,hand in hand,marking the end of our wedding,as we were going to the castle,to mate."Always and forever". He smiled."Always and forever."

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