Chapter two:Not Mine

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(A/n:Yes,I know this is an OC,but it's still Y/n on the inside,and I also forgot to add hawk-I might edit him in,but for now please act like he was always there.Ever since I heard it,I refuse to call Hawk's mom anything but Lady Mother Pig and Hawk Little Porker)

Y/n POV:

I woke up clinging to Meliodas on his lap.It seemed as if we had drunk ourselves out the night before.Shit!I hope we didn't say anything to Elizabeth!I then saw Elizabeth in the corner of my eye.Speak of the goddess."Hey Elizabeth,you cleaning up?" I asked her,filling a cup of water for myself."Oh!Yes,Lady Melissa.If you don't mind,I could use a hand," she replied,furrowing her brows as an empty bottle of ale fell out her hands.I let it fall before grabbing a broom."I like sweeping, mopping,and anything in the kitchen,but picking up trash is not for me." I said.She hummed in response."Do you know where Meliodas sleeps?I'd like to steal some of his clothing."I stared at her for a response."That would be the first door on the right upstairs!" she giggled."Thanks!" I slightly yelled at her dashing away."Anytime!" she said.Walking into his room,I raided his drawers until I found a smaller suit.I fixed the collar and tied the tie loosely around my neck.I found another suit and used the vest to make a tight skirt.I used the other tie to go around my head,and another for my leg.I then took a pair of his boots and used some succubus fashion tricks to make them heels.I touched the clothing scraps and they disappeared.I ran down the stairs in my new outfit.Elizabeth clapped "Very nice,Lady Melissa," she said.She looked at my waist,wrist,and neck before running upstairs.She came back down with a rather small box."Sir Meliodas has had these in his closet since I came here.On the bottom,it says your name,another name that's completely smudged,and  a Z,but the rest has been smudged."She handed my the box.I looked at the bottom. ~~~(Melissa)x Z~~~~~~-."I remember this..." I muttered."Elizabeth,please put the back,and tell Meliodas there was no reason in keeping them because I don't love him,not anymore at least."She nodded before going back upstairs.I started sweeping,humming the song my mom sung at my wedding.I still love him,but I don't!I miss my mom,I wonder what happened to her.My mind then traveled back to the box.


"Y/n?" Zeldris called out,looking around.I get out the bed and walk to the door,leaning on the frame."There you are," he smiled me a genuine smile."Look at what I got," he said ,before taking out a rather small box.I walked over to him."I know you've lost your voice for awhile..I just want to say I'm sorry I wasn't there to stop father,he slit your neck while you were sleeping and I-I just wanted to say I'm sorry and I love you and I know I'm repeating myself but-" I cut him off buy putting my fingers to his lips."It's alright,Zel,I love you."I croaked out.He kissed me,and I kissed back.He handed me the box."Here you go."I opened the box carefully.It was a pair of ruby bangels,a ruby choker,and a thin ruby sash."Than-" I attempted to say before I violently started coughing up blood."Y/N!" Zeldris yelled.I hugged him."Thank you."I said,softly."Your welcome."He then put my hand in his,rolling it to touch our fingertips."Always and Forever" we said at the same time.

{Right after Y/n gets to Britannia}

I stared at the box in my hand.I didn't need it anymore,so I threw it off a cliff.Feeling guilty,I retrieved it from the pit."I DON'T NEED YOU!SO WHY IS IT SO HARD TO GET RID OF YOU!?" I yelled.I threw the box back into the valley,but a flash of yellow caught it."What are you doing, Y/n?" Meliodas asked me."I don't need it.I don't love him." I mumbled."I'll keep it then," he said."You'll realize it's useless soon enough and throw it out." I stated."So that's it?You'll just throw out this symbol of lov-" He started.I shushed him before walking away and saying words I'll never regret."I hate him.Always and Forever." He stared at me."You dare use your wedding vows to say something that's not true." he says.I throw my wedding ring at him as well.He catches it,putting it in the box."I'm disgusted." he said,firmly before walking away.I flap my wings before flying back to the druids,who scold me.

End of Flashback

I finish sweeping,so I go wake up Ban and Meliodas.They tell me good morning,but I don't care.I see Elizabeth pull Meliodas aside.He looks at me angrily.I glare at him,and he looks back at Elizabeth sadly.I thought about for awhile.I gave away some of my memories too...

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