Backstory Part 4:Melissa and Recruit

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It's been 1,000 years,and Y/n decided to starve herself of blood for a month,with no reason at all.She drank a holy knight dry,and shes now being chased.She just fed,so it's not wise for her to fight before she throws up.She feels Meliodas' presence near,so she runs to him.

Y/n POV:

I saw Meliodas,so I ran up to him."Meliodas!I got caught feeding,and-and I can't fight after I just fed-.I'm gonna turn into a female you and give 3/4 my power to the druids!PLEASE!".He stared at me blankly "Where have you been?""The druids.""Why aren't you aging?""I don't know""It's because your cursed too.""What?".Meliodas then explained of he and Elizabeth's curses,and somehow I was cursed too.Memories came rushing back to me.I hadn't participated in the war,so the Demon King and Supreme Diety cursed me to eternal life,but each time I die,I fall more in love with Zeldris.I looked at him sadly.He hugged me and I transformed into a female him."That won't stop me!" I said with a wink."I'll be Melissa,your sister from now on."I then ran to the druids,dumping my power on them with a 'Sorry guys,see ya' later,keep this safe for me!" before running off again,to mindlessly wander around Britannia.I felt really,really weak,but I'd make it do.This body also felt puny.I was less curvy,my demon form was like a regular demons,I was rather flat,and my hair was short.Not for me.I checked my power level.15,000.Not a lot but I'll make use of it.I was still part succubus,however,so I got laid with every handsome man I saw.Zeldris would be mad,but he wasn't here,and I don't care anyway.I went to a town called Raven,and saw a little boy being beaten up.I then interfered."HEY!Leave my son alone!" I yelled at all of them.They quickly fled as I drew my sword.Reaching them easily,I beheaded them."Come on,kid,you need food,water,and a bath."He stared at me and crossed his arms."I'm not your son,shithead!"I sighed."If you don't get your filthy ass up,I'll cradle you like the stubborn baby you are."He stuck his tongue out at me.I picked him up just as if he was a baby,bringing him to a pond I found nearby."Wash up if you don't want me to do it" I said.He then obliged,doing as I said.I used his tattered rags to make him some newer clothing,and put it on a log."Shithead?" he called out."Yes," I replied."Wheres my clothes?" he said,quite reluctantly."Over here on this log".He walked out,butt naked."How do I get dressed." stared him dead in the eye."I'll help if you call me auntie for the rest of your life.""Auntie,help me,"he said,desperate."The magic word?""please!""Alright." I walked up to him,dressing him.He was a child,so this wasn't weird,and I didn't mind."Let's go back to Raven,I'll buy you some food and water."He nodded."Yes,auntie".We walked to the most high end chef in Raven."10 fried fish and 4 bottles of water,please."The chef took my money and got to work.He handed me the food and as I walked out,he smacked my ass."DON'T TOUCH AUNTIE" the kid yelled,before attempting to punch the man.I picked the kid up,as he struggled to break free of my grasp.I used my spear to stab him in multiple places,first being his heart."If you can get things done faster," I told the child"Do it that way.Don't waste time on things like this.Anyways,I'll take you to my hut,and you'll live there.I'll teach you how to steal until your an expert.Then,I'll leave you on your own." I took whatever money was in the chefs pocket,before closing the place down.It didn't take long for the child,whose name I learned to be Ban, to learn how to steal,so I left him with a hug and my spear,with my initials engraved into the bottom."Goodbye,Ban.I hope I'll see you again." I said,before heading to the Fairy King's Forest.

{At the Fairy King's Forest}

I arrived,and many fairies greeted me as a traveler.One put a flower behind my ear.I smiled,greeting them back with a smile.Among these fairies,I saw one that caught my eye.Most others seemed to be scared of him."Hello!" I said,cheerfully to him.He narrowed his eyes at me."Who are you?" I smiled at him "I'm Melissa.""How old are you,where have you been that no other fairy has seen you?" he said."I'm around 1,200 years old,and I'm not a fairy!" I replied."What are you?" "A human" I lied."No" said another fairy,with blond tresses.I looked down,ashamed,she was a fairy,so she most likely knew I was lying."You are a demon" She said,and I felt a spear coming at me.I caught it easily."but you have no bad intention" she smiled.The spear rested in my hand."and succubus,and vampire." she continued.I nodded,keeping my face neutral."Alright then,I'm Harlequin.The Fairy King." I bowed."Apologies if I came off as rude." I said,with a slight smile."I'm Elaine!The Holy Guardian!" the other one,who sold me out said.I smiled back to the cheerful girl."I hope you don't mind if I stayed here for a while,and I would appreciate it if you called me auntie."I walked around and found a small patch of grass.I planted some trees from the demon realm with purple leaves and engraved my nickname on the front,and Y/n on the back.I walked back to where the other fairies were and became friends with them.I stayed there for a few weeks before I put another one of my spears with my initials on the grass in the middle of the patch I found."Bye Harlequin and Elaine!I hope I see you again." I said,waving bye to them,as I wandered around Britannia again.

{Some weeks later}

I saw the young giant walking around in her ripped dress."Hi!" I said,scaring the girl."Human?" she asked.I nodded."I've no interest in humans",she said,"But your interested in being friends?" I asked her with a smile."No." she said."Well,I hope we can be friends in the future!" I said back.She tensed for a bit before continuing to walk.

{2 millenia later}

I washed my sword thoroughly in the stream outside my house.I found a forest,with little animals and many rivers,berries,and rain.I built a cabin out of wood,and minimized my hunting.A mage appeared in front of me."Are you Melissa?Formerly known as Y/n the Succupire?" I looked up at her."You must be an acquaintance of Meliodas." I said"Take me to him."She then made us teleport into a throne room. I turned around to see Meliodas."Hi,Meliodas,Melissa,your sister right here!" I said,giggling."I want you to be one of The 8 Deadly Sins,a group of holy knights who'll serve Liones." he said,seriously."Ok!" I said,smiling"Great!You'll be The Swan Sin of Love!" he said and I instantly knew why,but I didn't complain.Merlin then engraved the mark of a swan on the back of my should."This will be a great way to pass time!" I said,giving Meliodas a high five."From now on,you'll call me captain!" he said,ruining the moment."Nope,that won't work,I've been calling you Meliodas far too long" I replied truthfully."Aww c'mon" he said,and the day went on with the two of us bickering.

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