Chapter Nine: You're Back.

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Meliodas POV:

I could've sworn I felt her earlier today, and the trisect gave it away, the the beam made me more confused than ever. She was definitely close, but I couldn't even pinpoint where exactly in the crowd she was. I told the King that she helped too and she deserved a medal and stuff. I should look for her. And so, I packed up and hit the streets. I didn't find her anywhere, but I could tell I was getting closer by the second. Eventually, I began searching the forest. I found Y/n. Sleeping. She stirred, but still slept. I walked up to her, and flicked her forehead. "Yowch." She said. Sitting up. I stared at her. She stared at me. Both blank stares. She blinked. I blinked. She got up. "Lets go to the tavern..." I said, in stare language. And we walked back to the tavern. At one point, her knees buckled. She got back up, and we both finished our walk to the tavern, with blank stares. I walked in, and crossed my arms, staring at the door. Y/n walked in, giving me a angry blank stare. Everyone was sleeping, and me and Y/n broke into a loud quarrel. "Why would you do that!? Fight with me!? Do something nice? Act like a BITCH!?" I yelled. We had subtly made up during our walk, but this was just to grab the attention of the others. Elizabeth was at her fathers, though, and Merlin and Diane had went to sleep right before I left. " Well excuse me Mr. LADIES MAN!? I WAS TRYING TO BE APART OF YOUR NEWLY RE-DISCOVERED FAMILY!" She retorted. "YOU'VE BEEN WITH THE SINS FOR YEARS!? WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?" I screamed. " Not them! I'M TALKING ABOUT YOUR NEWFOUND 'GiRlFrIeNd', ASSHAT!" She shouted. She hit me she hit me across the face, and I charged my elbow at her stomach. She kneed my chin and slammed my head into the wall, holding firmly onto my jaw. I grabbed her neck and pushed her to the ground. We wrestled into the kitchen, and she too a bottle at my head. We argued and argued as we rolled on the floor. "FUCK OFF!" She yelled, giving me one hard shove into a table. She growled. We ran at eachother again, only for Chastiefol, King and Ban to block me, while Merlin, Diane, and Gowther held back Y/n. Suddenly, it all seemed to much, and me and Y/n burst out laughing. Thus, every sin except Merlin and Gowther, were confused. Me and Y/n plopped down at a table, laughing. We stopped at the same time, we heard Merlin guffaw. And the three of up made eye contact, before laughing again. Then we stopped, me and Y/n blank staring again.

 Then we stopped, me and Y/n blank staring again

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