Chapter Seven: An Old Friend

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Y/n POV:

"Well, I was not expecting to see you," someone to my left said. I dropped my stance and gripped the box somewhat tightly in my hands. "Knight of Coitus." They whispered in my right ear. "Nice introduction, Merlin." I said. She sighed, floating towards in front of me. "Your with the King of Camelot, I suppose." I guessed. "Yes. King Arthur of Camelot. " She said. The name sounded so familiar, yet so distant to me. Ahh...Yes... I thought. "More like Chaos. King of Chaos." I muttered. Merlin's eyes widened in surprise. "What! How'd you... When... huh?" She asked. "I'll explain another time. Get me clothing because your spell fumbled mine up." I spoke. "Well, I'll fit it to your liking." Merlin said. A few seconds later, she handed me a VERY short dress. "This will barely cover my ass..." I said. Merlin cocked a brow. " I love it,"my eyes sparkled as I hurriedly put on the dress. I giggled. "Just a reminder, this dress is not an invitation to fuck random men on the street, it is clothes, do not soil it, because I will certainly not be making you more clothes like this is the future." Merlin stated. I groaned. "Your no fun~!" I whined. She rolled her eyes. "You'll need help fixing your hair. I'll let it down from.." Merlin trailed off. I looked at my hair. "Whatever this is." I finished, rolling my eyes and pulling out a dread-lock. "OHWWIE!" I yelled as Merlin fixed my hair. "With hair this nice, I'll have to give it a style." Merlin spoke. "Fine by me," I replied. Merlin tried a bun. Oh yeah. That was horrible. Instead, she just put my curly blonde hair down. Then, she took me to meet King Arthur. I took one good look at him before I was at his back, compliments to the young king flowing out my mouth. "S-stop, Lady Melissa! Y-your making me b-blush!" He stuttered out. "Oh~ That was my intention, to flatter you." I purred in his ear. "Alright! I think that's enough! Out we go." Merlin said, dragging me with her. " I like this king" I told her. "He is MIGHTY fine!" I exaggerated. She took me to my room. I slept peacefully, and my dream was great. I fucked another guy in his bed. Life essence! I woke up in the midst of night, left Merlin a note, and stalked my way to Liones... and back to Camelot. I figured out the plan, capture Elizabeth. I slightly wanted to let it happen, but I just couldn't. For Meliodas, my brother... in-law. Well, I hoped he would still be my brother-in-law when I saw Zeldris again. I looked at my crown on the bedside. I put my hand on the lid. "Insolu absoulu" I whispered. The crown disappeared into my body. It had no power up though, for I was only temporarily hiding it. In my soul. I stopped my train of thoughts and went to tell Merlin, who formulated a plan with Arthur. I then realized. Sacred Treasure. It was my father's trident, as king of the Incubus/Succubus clan. And the end had a small dagger. It was able to be taken off. it was my mothers, when she was queen of the Vampires. That made me the queen of both clans, and if I end up with a King Zeldris, I'll be queen of the demons too. I needed to stop fantasizing though. What I needed was my sacred treasure, which had mine, Zeldris', mothers, and fathers initials on it. I searched until daybreak, and I found it. It was by the cave, where I first entered the human realm. The trident lead me to Liones, and transformed into an old spear, with only my initials. And his.  I went to Merlin again. Here goes nothing, I said, and we stopped at the gate of Liones. I had old armor on, and Merlin a cloak. We had masked our powers, and I hid my emotions.

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