Backstory Part 3: The Cheat and Holy War

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(A/n:I will not be putting smut in yet.I feel it's too early in the book and I wouldn't do both in the same chapter because the bond and cheat sounds like something someone in a shit shack would say.Also,I know my timeline is shitty,but roll with it,would ya'?And I want to say some other things related to this chapter,but in order to not spoil the chapter,I'll put it at the end.I also forgot to make A/n things for the other chapters,so I might include them in this chapter for you guys to understand better,but its based upon how lazy I feel.Sorry for this long note,I just realized(I've actually known that) this could be the chapter I'm working on.Finally,yes,the cover is Zeldris and Gelda,so don't imagine Y/n as Gelda.If you read the title,it might make sense!I also don't know why I'm putting this in parenthesis,and I also don't know if I spelled that correctly) 

Right before the holy war,Zeldris is venturing around,accidentally getting bit by a vampire,and being put under her spell.Y/n is venturing around,trying to find Zeldris. She's following his mark aura,until she sees him kissing a blond woman.

Y/n POV:

I stare at Zeldris.His eyes are locked with mine,but his lips are locked with hers."Zel...Oh Zel.....ZEL" I yell crying as our bond quickly vanished and black blood made its way up my throat.I threw up blood,red and black as I watched Zeldris and this girl fuck mercilessly.I went into my demon form to stop myself from crying more,but miserably fail.Meliodas was at the castle today,and not leading the Ten Commandments,so I decided to go there.I can feel Zel all over me from our activities the night before,but I hate it now.Blood is all over my clothes,and seeping out my face.I'm crying blood at this point.Once I reach the castle,I see Meliodas in deep thought.I stare at him.I'm a bit different,it's startling for some.The whites of my eyes turn black,and my pupils are deep red and deep purple .Fangs,wings,horns,and a tail appear out of me,and my nails get longer.I also get a reddish tint to my skin.It's because I'm half succubus,quarter demon, and quarter vampire.I would've been executed,but since all 3 live in the demon realm,they let it slide.My mom is demon and vampire.My dad was an incubus,but he died shortly after impregnating my mom because incubus can only reproduce once,and he tried to impregnate another women.I walked over to Meliodas.He looked at me and furrowed his brows."Melissa, whats wrong?" he asked."Zeldris is whats wrong.He then lifted my shirt up carefully to see Zedris' permanent mark was gone."I saw him and a blonde girl,and they kissed,and then they fucked,and I-I don't know what happened or what went wrong.I know he saw me we made eye contact-"Meliodas shushed me,taking me inside to his room.He sat down at his desk and told me all about how he fell in love with a goddess and planned to betray the demon realm."I'll help you."we turned to see my mother,who looked pained.We just nodded at her,as the three of us began to pack.

{The next day}

It was a silent walk to the cave.The three of us exchanged glances along the way,but none of us dared to say a word.We entered the cave and my mother began to open the portal."Y/n,brother,what the hell are you doing!?" Zeldris confronted us."What does it look like?" I said back to him."Melis-" "You've got no right to call me that!" I yelled at him."Y/n,I love you.Please don't do this," he said."If you really loved me,you would come with me." I extended my hand to him.He smacked it away."Never!" I scowled at him "You don't love me!You kissed the blond bitch!"He quickly retaliated "Like hell I kissed her,I hate you a-" he started and I finished "So be it." He then looked at my mom."I no longer consider you family!" my mother yelled,pulling my shirt up,revealing my plain stomach.The two of us then walked through the portal after seeing Zeldris' pained face.Meliodas joined soon after.The three of us got out our demon forms,and I decided to not join the holy war.I heard of some people called the druids,and decided to go there.I found my way to the druids,and they attacked me.I told them of my ideas,and they decided to let me in under high surveillance.I was thankful for this,so I gave them a vow,to help them.

(A/n:I don't really know how succubus shit works,nor vampire,but Y/n will go as Y/n the Succupire I guess.I'm also too lazy to make the other authors notes so it is what it is,sorry for the short chapter.)

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