Chapter Four:The Fight

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(A/n:Getting lazy.Sorry for long wait.I made changes to 'Hello,again!')

Y/n POV:

I silently cooked a meal for breakfast. "G'morning" Ban said, coming down the stairs.I flipped the sausage patty before grabbing him in a in a flash"MORNING!" I grinned.He flicked me away.I giggled before going back to cooking. I plated the sausage patties and put them in some buns with cheese.1,2,3,4,5, and some scraps. I had made the fifth one a little bigger for Diane. Meliodas had walked down the stairs."Hey, Melissa!" he yelled."MORNING!" I yelled back. I threw them their plates,except Elizabeth's and mine.I set the plates down and was spun around by Meliodas. He ducked me and we both giggled. I sat next to Elizabeth, gobbling up my food. She ate silently, with a smile. Ban popped in "This is the thing about Auntie.She makes the best food,second to me of course, unlike the captain." I frowned at him."I WAS THE ONE WHO THOUGHT YOU TO COOK SHIT! UNGRATEFUL BITCH!" I yelled before spitting in his face."Ewww" he groaned,jumping back and wiping his face. Elizabeth giggled. I whispered in Meliodas' ear "What happened to my mom?" I asked. "She died" he said solemnly. I sighed "HAWK" Meliodas yelled. I started throwing the scraps away. "NOOOO"... a pig? I set the scraps down. I picked the pig up. "Talking pig? Not so nice...." I frowned. I picked up the ugly swine and dropped it in a large pot of boiling soup. "Pig soup" I smiled. "EEEEK AH HELPPPPP" it yelled. Elizabeth squeaked and ran to it's rescue. She shook her head at me. "No! Lady Melissa, Hawk is not for cooking" she said and wagged her finger. I grabbed her finger and pushed it down. I wagged my finger at her and put my hands on my hip "nO! LaDy MeLiSsA, hAwK iS nOt FoR cOoKiNg" I mocked her. Meliodas hit me on the head and I scowled. Elizabeth looked away both embarrassed and ashamed. "Don't do that, Melissa." He said sternly. I glared at him. "Tell that to yourself and waitress." I said, "You both have a thing for ruining my plans." I stated. "Oh yeah?" he scoffed. "How so?""I could have worked things out with him, yet here I am following you like a fucking dog. I could have stayed with him, yet here I am helping you. I could have-" I started, but he cut me off "I gave you a choice." he spat at me. I stared blankly at him. "But I guess I chose the wrong one." I uttered out before cutting off my emotions and walking out the door. I heard them call out for me. "She died huh? To the necropolis it is." I mumbled to myself, thinking of Zeldris.


Meliodas POV:

I watched Y/n fly off, regretting everything I said. She was joking, she would've apologized anyway... But I was the problem yet again because of Elizabeth. I ruined everything. Elizabeth was mad at me for being mean to Y/n, and so was Ban. We're going to find King now. I cracked my neck. Haven't done this in a while... I reopened old wounds on my arm. "Bite of mind" I whispered. Y/n used this one on me a long time ago.

In the mindscape:

"Y/NNNNNNNN" I called out. No reply.

What did I expect, a 'Hey Meliodas! How are you?'


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