Chapter Six: The Talk

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(A/n: I admit, I've be dilly dallying on you guys. I figured out Y/n will be known as the Knight of Coitus.)

Y/n POV:

I stood in front of a small, abandoned cabin, deep in the woods. King had said he would come to converse with me after he'd gotten to talk with the captain. I took two steps, and heard a small, faint noise. "Thou shall revealeth thouselves upon I!" I yelled the words of a spell. Two small mice crept out. "FLEE!" I yelled, clasping my hands together. They ran away. King waltzed in, like a real king. I turned around and Ban had come with him too. "Hey Auntie." King said, his hand motioning to the taller. "This luggage followed me." He shrugged. He crossed his fingers at his chest, "I hope that's not a problem." He said, side eyeing Ban. I picked up something, maybe a book that had been out so long it turned into this mat, and began fanning myself. "Well, it doesn't matter to me." I said. King grimaced as Ban hit his leg, walking past him. "I told King what had happened." Ban said. "Meliodas is an asshole." King said, doing a somersault in the air. "But he did it out of respect for the princess." Ban said. I stood straight. "He's never cared for me either way. He was never there. He always ran after her. He always gave me the wrong advice.-" I said. King interrupted me. "Bu-" He started. "SHUT UP!" I yelled and got up. "Telling me why hes right makes me feel no better about it." I said. "I know more than you! Listen to me for once!" I screamed. "FUCK YOU ALL! YOU ALL TRY TO MAKE ME FEEL WRONG! I'M SORRY I WAS JUST TRYING TO GET THE BITCH SOME LIVELY-NESS!" I yelled. King slightly gasped as I walked out the house. Ban sucked in his cheeks at the way I had addressed the princess. "Godforsaken stuck up bumble-cloth backsides!" I muttered under my breath. I made my way through the forest and saw a group of fairies. "QUEEN!" one yelled, "QUEEN MELISSA!" said another. Ban had followed me. "KING BAN!"  another said. "Crown..." I muttered, feeling its presence. "We were concerned, so we left with your-" one started. My green eyes faded into e/c. "CROWN." I yelled. they quickly gave me my box and and I hurried away, my eyes becoming jade, yet a red tint hovered on them. I ran as fast as I could, out the woods to Camelot's forest. It felt safe there. A ball, more like orb-ish item floated in my face. "Who might you be?" an all too familiar voice whispered. I took a look at myself. I had my crown on, and was my old demon form. All sorts of illusions formed around me. "...Wedding... Meliodas... Goddess... Diety... King... Zaneri... Jenna... Theo... Zeldris-!..." I spoke my thoughts, trying to run away. Then everything went back to normal, the box, me. I looked around and saw the castle. 

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