Chapter Five:King

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(A/n: I actually forgot about this book for the week😀 So sorry...Here's your update)

Y/n POV:

The Necropolis! Score! I miss the Necropolis... I remember when I would visit the kids around here and feed them. I'm sure their big now. Nice and strong. Okay, don't get sidetracked. I walked to the flower field. Mom...Mom...Mom.WHOOSH* I looked around. Yup. Necropolis. "...MOM!!" I yelled. I felt someone hit the back of my head and turned around. Meliodas. I turned back around, my mood sour again. "Melissa...." he said. "Just go your own way! I DON'T want to talk to you!" I yelled at him, and slapped him. Realizing what I had just done, I slowly backed away and started running in the other direction. "MELISSA!" he yelled, not out of anger, but out of pain, and the last time I saw him like this...The Holy War... things didn't end well for him. In a state of frustration and distress. I didn't like it, but I din't stop to check. I saw my mom in the distance. I ran to her. "Melissa." she said, looking around. "Y/n" she whispered in my ear, "I love you, but he loves you more. You guys are family, at heart. Your brother and sister-in-laws. Love each other. Not the same way you love him. Just love Meliodas, and him, in the way you play roles in our family. I told him we were no longer family, but we know that's not the truth." She put my hand on her heart and turned my head to face where Meliodas was crying, and Diane was injured. I gasped. The girl blasted Meliodas and my heart sunk. "You see? You care. Please Y/n, go help him. Go help your" she whispered, and hugged me. I ran to the nearest rock and easily made a spear out of it. "Fade" I whispered. I pointed my palm at her, feeling my clothes get tighter. "Illuminating beam" I said, and the flower appeared in my hand, shooting a purple beam at the women."Like" I whispered. Her body completely stopped moving. She walked towards me. I sighed. Meliodas was looking at me, I could feel it. Somebody hugged me from behind, making me lose focus. Like a trigger, I blurted out "Live" and she shot mu stomach. I coughed up some blood, my clothes turning loose again. I turned around, and King was there. "Auntie!" he said, but trailed off as he saw the burn in my stomach, like a hole that went right through. That most likely destroyed one of my hearts. I had lost 5 so far and died twice. This one makes 6... I have one heart. "Ahh shit..." I muttered, dropping my spear and falling to my knees. "Melissa" she said."Who would've thought a great knight like you with the ability magically hurt people would fall so easily." she said. I looked up at her. "You've got one chance at life. Don't waste it." I picked my spear up and flipped, secretly biting her neck. I put two fingers on my head with a smirk. "Bite. Of. Mind." I said, and disappeared into her mindscape. "BOO" I yelled, still being able to see what was happening outside. She jerked and held her head as I whispered threats and sweet nothings in her mind. King was about to fight her, so I left her mindscape, wanting her to be at her strongest fighting King. I looked around for mom, and only saw Elaine. Mom was right next to me. She put her hand on my chest. "One kind and caring heart lays here. Protect it, or it won't be as kind or caring." she said before we were transporting back. I sighed. I made wings again. I began to fly but Ban pulled my leg. I broke free and King's guardian captured me. I struggled. "Mmm...JUST LET ME GO!...Mphm!" It put it hand on my face, stifling me. I shot it with trisect, using fade, to rip it apart. I flew away. "Will you at least talk with me?" King asked. I sighed, knowing he wouldn't give up. "Fuck it." I said, and he followed me to my small camp.

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