(Medieval AU) Prince Shu Kurenai x Villager Reader

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This is special story and AU one. In medieval AU was DB timeline, but different age.

Shu's age: 17
Your age: 16

(S/F/N) = Shu's Father Name
(S/M/N) = Shu's Mother name

Type of this story:
(☁️ + 💞 + ❤)

Onto the story.

In Crimson Kingdom,
At the palace

(Shu's POV)

"Hey, Shu! Tomorrow is your birthday!!" Valt, my personal knight and my best friend shouted with a big grinned. I rolled my eyes in obvious.

"I know, Valt. It's still same in every year." I said while reading the book about love between a prince and a normal girl. I saw Valt pouted.

"But Shu, this time. Your father said tomorrow on your 17th birthday, he want you to find your dearest princess." That caught my attention to him.

"What? What my father's mean?" I asked in curious. Valt then explain.

"About that, your father want you to choose your perfect bride tomorrow." That shocked me. My father want me to marry a princess. Even I didn't know those princesses.

"But, I can't marry someone I don't love, Valt. It's sounds like an arrange marriage or force marriage." He gave me a guilty look.

"That's what I was thinking about. I had no idea why the king said something like that." I sighed.

"I'm gonna talk to my father." I got up as I went out from my bedroom. Valt shouted.

"Ok, need anything." I reply to him.

"No need. Just continue do your work." With that, I quickly walk to   the hall place where me and my father sat in politely as we crowned us king and prince.

My mother passed away since she gave me a birth. As I arrived in the hall here, my father saw me and had a straight look.

"Oh, Shu. You here. I was about to tell the guard to call you. Do you know tomorrow, right?" I gave him a serious look.

"Father, why're you asking me to marry princess?" My father smirked at my question and said,

"Because I want you to take my place and be a king tomorrow. So, I suggest you pick a princess so she will be your queen."

"But father. I can't marry someone I don't love. It was a force to me. Why don't you give me a some time before marriage?"

I asked as his smirk faded at my question. He's thinking for a second and nodded with a sighed heavily.

"Fine, it's up to you, my son. As long as you'll find the queen in the Crimson Kingdom." I smile.

"Thank you, father." He nodding his head with a small smile.

"It was nothing, son." I leave from the hall and went back to my bedroom where Valt guarded me.


💖 Shu Kurenai x Reader One-Shot 💖 (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now