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Third pov

"what is the meaning of this Alex? " Caleb growled. At last he was finally succeeding but why the fuck did Alex came in between?  He wanted nothing but to kill him.  Alas,  he can't now but he sure will in the future.

"Now now uncle, its just for formality. Its obvious as you being the eldest the property should go to your hands." Everybody including Alex relax a little after his statement.  They were  scared that what if Alex is with him and he is alive? 

If he is alive then no power on earth can save them.


"What the fuck should I wear? " I was immensely annoyed at this moment and wanted nothing more just to smash my whole wadrobe at the mirror.

Its been a while  since I felt so angry and anxious.  Since the day Declan entered in my life I have no idea why but I haven't been feeling that angry on little things.

What is wrong with you Luna?  You are thinking as if he is your man!  But somehow him being my man,  this idea is not that bad as it seems.

Like he is hot, rich,  tall with an impressive personality. Any girl would swoon over him. but unfortunately, her ego is too big for that.

"Having trouble in finding what to wear? " her chain of thoughts broke as she saw him leaning over the door smirking at her.

What's with him and smirking?

"Don't think of it as your room!  You can't just enter out of nowhere!" glaring at him,  she continued to look at her clothes.

"Don't worry I am not even a slight bit interested in, well what you have there"He said giving her body a look.

"Well, your loss. And why the fuck you here anyway?" just when she was praising him in her mind he proved himself to be a douchebag again.

"I just came to let you know don't act nervous.  Even if you are act confident,  make sure to let them all know they can't walk over you" His serious tone was making me more anxious. And why is he behaving as if I am going to a cult?

"Just be careful" With that he walked away.

His words were doing something to me.  Something I don't want to happen.

Sighing,  I finally selected my outfit and got ready.

'perfect' I thought as I looked at the mirror

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'perfect' I thought as I looked at the mirror. Now let's hope everything goes fine.


"Welcome at Wilson. Co,  how can I help you? " fuck,  even the staff here were high maintenance and elegant.

"um, I am here for the interview" I tried to  act confident but I could tell I was nervous.

Heck everyone can tell I was nervous.

"The interviews will be directly taken by the ceo. You may go the 7th floor. " what the fuck?  Directly by the CEO?  What in the novel world is going on...

How I wish the CEO is some hot,  muscular cold man but the I was aware of the sad fact that most of them are short middle aged ugly (no offense) man.

As I entered in the elevator,  there were other girls and guys with me too. They looked nice I wanted to initiate a conversation but my social anxiety refused to do so.

We reached the 7th floor where the CEO's office was. Guess the interview was already started. everybody was going line by line.

And Finally it was my number.

"Miss Luna, its your turn" The assistant told me. I took a deep breath and entered inside.  Lets do this.

And woah! Nature didn't disappoint me.  The CEO sitting in front of me was indeed hot,  tall and well....... Smirking at me?

Whats with me, men and smirking?

"Please have a seat" I took a seat,  and passed my document to him. He was indeed very handsome but well Declan is 10x hotter and his personality is also more of my type.

Shut the fuck up, Luna.

"So Luna, you have a master's degree. Its indeed an impressive education. Tell me about your other experiences" He asked while examining my files.

Be confident Luna.

"This will be my first official job sir,  I used to work part-time before" He was looking at me with an expression I couldn't comprehend.

What?  He is in love already?  Well that is justifiable after all I am so pret-

"Lack of experience.  Wasn't it clearly mentioned that we needed people with experience of almost a year and so? "
His stern tone made me gulp.

Nevermind,  he didn't fall in love.

Another update !

Ps:  Its not a love triangle!

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