pain and fear

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No. No. No.

It can't be happening. How can she love someone else?

It was me.

It was me all along. Those smiles, that all belonged to fucking me!

Who the fuck was he? I wasn't expecting her to get a boyfriend.

Moreover, I thought she was joking around. The way she loved me, how can she move on this fast?

My mind was killing me right now. An unknown pain erupted in my chest.

It was fear.

It felt as if someone was clenching my heart to pieces. When I saw her clinging to him, something switched in me. Anger flew in my veins as my fist clenched, wanting to meet that pretty boy's face.

He is most probably a rebound. Yes, that's what he is.

"What the hell is wrong with you Declan!? Look at the mess!" I closed my eyes as I heard Alex from behind.

He was talking about the pile of trash in my room which was exclusively made by me.

After coming from the restaurant, I felt so angry I thrashed everything there.

But, it doesn't matter to me. I don't care who she is with or not. Why should it matter?

I don't like her or have any feelings towards her.

I am probably feeling like this because it's strange seeing her with someone else when all she had was me.

If I think about it it's probably for the good right? Now I won't feel guilty too.

These days she was haunting me, day and night. No matter the place, or time all I could see was her.

All I remembered were the moments spent with her. So that's why I thought it would be good dating her again.

When she first ignored my message, instead of feeling angry; I felt hurt. Does she not remember me? Does she not feel anything for me anymore?

These were the questions swirling around in my mind. Then the next emotion I felt was anger. It was a blow to my ego.

How can she ignore me?

I knew her friend, Amelia was closest to her. She would die for her friend. That's why I targeted her. I knew she would come running.

And she did. But with a fucking pimp. It's alright. I don't need to do anything now. She is happy and has a boyfriend.

My head throbbed in pain thinking about it.

Sighing, I slumped on my bed closing my eyes, only to pray she won't haunt my dreams again.


I looked at the person in front of me. He was staring right into my soul.

Shit, this was so embarrassing. Even though he wasn't saying anything his silence was enough to make me want to bury myself in a casket.

"" I wanted to rip my hair out. Not me showing him attitude some days ago and now , here I am making him my boyfriend.


"I am sorry, I swear I can explain" He just nodded at my words. For Godsake at least say something.

I bit my cheeks, wanting to explain to him the situation but I can't tell him the whole backstory too.

Sighing I drank the glass of juice he ordered for me. I didn't know when, but I guess he noticed my panicked state.
I drank it in a go and looked at him with great determination.

"So...he was my ex-boyfriend" He lifted his brow as an interest.

"And he was making fun of me for being single" I tried to tell him the outer part of the story only.

"That's why you decided to make me your boyfriend?" I gulped at his serious face.

Shit, he was lowkey hot.

Shut up, Luna.

"Y-yea I guess" I awkwardly laughed as he continued to look at me with an unknown emotion.

"I thought you didn't want to do anything with me," He said.

Oh, so it talks in sentences too. Well, I cringed at the memory. Why was I so cold with him when all he did was help me in the past?

"Listen I am really sorry, you don't need to do anything. He will probably not bother me again" I smiled a little showing the regret on my face. Though I was thankful, if he wasn't there it could be dangerous.

I would have killed that bastard.

"I don't think so" I looked at him, confused.

What did he mean?

He sighed at my confused expression, "We are partners. For the project"

My lips parted as I looked at him with wide eyes.



"No way it was him?" I nodded at her words.

Lia was making us dinner as I was just sitting on the sofa in front of the kitchen.
Thankfully, her father was a lot better now.

She was back to normal too. It's been almost three to four days since that Declan and fake boyfriend thing.

At first, I couldn't believe it either. Lile, he was Aron? Why was God testing me in so many ways?

He didn't say much though. But at least we had improvement. He was practically mute before.

And we exchanged numbers to discuss the details of the project. I was hesitant but there was nothing I could do.

I didn't want to introduce new people into my life. But Mother Nature wanted otherwise.

It's just for a month. Let's hope after that we never cross each other's path.

Declan (third pov)

"Find out whatever you can about that shrimp" Alex sighed listening to his friend's instructions.

He already felt bad playing games with that innocent girl. Now that his friend has gotten what he wants, why is he after her again?

"Declan, leave her alone already" He frowned at Alex's words.

"I am just making sure she is in good hands" Alex scoffed in humor.

"Good hands? Making sure? You are the kind of person who doesn't give a fuck even if someone is dying in front of you. And frankly, I am the same but at least I own it" Alex said in annoyance.

"It's none of your business. I already told you my life is hell because of my guilty conscious"

"Guilty conscious or your feelings?" Declan laughed at him.

"Feelings? Please. I have high standards and you know it" Sipping up the cup of coffee he looked through the window, not liking the taste.

She used to make good coffee. It used to give strange kind of peace to him. He thought losing himself in her thoughts.

If only he knew what awaits him maybe, maybe he wouldn't have run after her.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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