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"Dec where are you?" I came running to my house in a rush. Only god knows how I have spent my office hours. The only thing in my mind was him, I didn't know I was that easy but within a few months, I had fallen so deep that it actually scares me.

When I entered my home There I saw him sitting on the sofa, with a weird expression on his face. I went to him and crouched down at his level.

"you scared me! All okay right?" Squishing his cheeks between my palms I asked.

He smiled seeing me, but something was strange. I decided not to take notice of it and looked at him in worry.

"I-I don't know, by telling you all this I will only worry you but I have no one else but you Luna" his voice quivered making my heart squeeze. I didn't want to see him like this. I always wanted him to be his mischievous self.

"Dec, you know I love you. Your worries are my worries" I said placing my hand on his. His eyes softened as he looked down.

He motioned me to sit next to him which I followed.

"I was an adopted child. My mother never really took a notice of me but my father did love me." I entangled my fingers with him indicating to continue.

"The few years after my adoption was heaven. My father tried his best to place everything right under my feet and that's why my mother hated me. She only agreed to adoption because of my father's happiness. Right when I was 10, my father died in a car accident."

I didn't say anything, I was just there looking at him with nothing but love in my eyes. He took my hand, entangled in his, and gave it a soft kiss.

"After his death, everything changed for me. My mother started beating me from time to time, and I was treated worse than a servant. But soon after my grandfather came and took me. He was not as loving as my father but He cared for me in his own way. He promised me his son company right after I came of age."

Declan took a sigh and drank the glass of water which was on the table.

"Soon after, I inherited the company. Worked hard on it and took it to the level it is on today. Do you know whose company it is in which you are transferred to?"
He looked at me as he asked.

I shook my head in answer. He smiled.

"it is my mother's new husband's company and now he is claiming my company as his own, using dirty tactics to bring me down"

My eyes widened in shock, what was happening?

"shit I didn't know dec, I will resign-"

He cut me off placing his finger on my mouth.
"calm down love, I know you didn't. The problem is something else"

"what is it?" I asked with worry.

"They have a USB which contains such things that will destroy my company from the roots. I can't do anything even when I am this powerful" he drowned his face in his hands.

I was not able to say anything. I wanted to help him, seeing him in this state was making me cry.

"I will do it!" I said my eyes were moist, his condition was making my heart hurt.

He looked at me in shock, "do what?"
He said, confused.

"I will bring that USB to you! Then you can finally bring them down right?"
My eyes were almost filled with tears. God! This is my problem, I don't fall for someone easily and whenever I do, I fall this hard.

"Are you crazy amor? No way in hell I am letting you in this mess" he said angrily.

"your mess is my mess Dec, I love you and you should know that" I mumbled somewhat embarrassed.

He looked at me with strange expressions, his eyes were soft.

"No that's not happening, I can never put your life at risk"
He shook his head.

I will be off for a week so I decided to update twice today! 😭❤️

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