strange emotions

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Our eyes met for almost a minute which actually felt like an hour. He was the same, the face, the style even his eyes which lied to me.

I diverted my gaze towards Sebastian who was looking at me with concern and worry. "Luna...are you sure you are okay? "

I smiled and nodded. I have lost it, the man who made my life crumble, broke my heart into pieces...I am yearning for him.

It shouldn't matter to me whether he is here or not! His existence shouldn't affect me. Yet his mere look makes me want to run towards him, ask him if what he said was a misunderstanding that he still loves me.

But I knew I was very naive. I scoffed at my thoughts... He was right, I was truly pathetic.

Excusing myself from Sebastian I went towards the restroom.

Splashing the water on my face, I tried to regain myself. Get it together Luna! Don't let anyone empower you.

Taking a deep breath I went out only to find him leaning against the wall. I gave him a mere glance and started to go back to my place, pretending he didn't exist.

I felt his grip on my arm as he pulled me towards him.

"Long time no see Lu" His smooth voice reached my ears. I wanted to kill myself for liking that voice.

"Let me go" He smirked at my firm tone. I had no idea why is he doing this. His work with me was finished.

"Your behavior is hurting me. I thought we were in love?" His sarcastic chuckle stabbed my heart.

"Were. We were or that's what I thought" I jerked my hand from his hold.

"If you still think I am the same Luna who will wag my tail around you you are wrong. Your face, it disgusts me" His expression changed for a moment but it was only for a second. He regained his posture as he smirked at me.

"Keep lying to yourself, I know you still love me baby" He whispered in my ears coming close to me.

"Even if I am, why are you so concerned about it? Thought you didn't want to do anything with me anymore" I smirked pushing him away from me.

He gritted his teeth hearing my sentence. Guess it hurt the little boy's ego. I rolled my eyes trying to get out of that place.

Being in the same place as him was suffocating me.

"I don't give a fuck about you! I only followed you because of my own amusement" He said as if trying to defend himself.

"OK and?" I raised my eyebrow turning back a little. Hearing no reply I went back to Sebastian.

You did well Luna! I smiled to myself.


"I am sorry I can't help you even if I want love," I said as she smiled at me. We were cuddling on our bed and I was trying to console her as she got switched by her company.

Though it was my plan, I felt kinda bad seeing her down.

"You don't need to do anything though" Saying that she nuzzled her head in my chest. It caused a strange kind of warmness to erupt in my heart.

I shook my head, what an unnecessary feeling.

"Why?" I asked wanting further explanation.

"Your face, I see it and all the worries in my life flow away" Grinning she gave me a peck on my lips.

"Your face, it disgusts me"

I nervously woke up from my sleep. What the fuck was that? Why am I having dreams of our time together?

I sat in the middle of my bed, taking a deep sigh I drank the glass of water next to me.

Today when I saw her my heart stopped, I thought I would never see her again. But seeing her strange kind of emotions erupted in my chest.

And when I saw her with someone else, it felt like someone was stabbing my heart for about a thousandth time.

It's probably acidity. I laughed to myself. And what was wrong with me at that time? And why did I follow her anyway?

I childishly argued with her just to talk with her for a few moments.

Her eyes....they didn't have that adoration anymore. The ones who looked at me like I was the rarest diamond in the world were the same today who held great animosity.

Well what else to expect I did use her after all and I don't care.

I never did. It's probably the little humanity that is left in me feeling bad for betraying her.

I will be fine after a few days. Convincing myself I laid back in my bed. These days I can't even sleep properly.

Probably got used to her cuddles.

God Declan! Her again...she never was and never will be a part of my life.

And an average woman with mediocre looks will never be a part of Declan Willson's life. Some few days.

That's all I need to recover my old self.

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Also, tell me should Luna end up with Declan?

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