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I look at my reflection in the mirror. Well, I sure was stunning.

But wait what is happening anyway? First the flowers and then the sudden date? Does he like me?

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But wait what is happening anyway? First the flowers and then the sudden date? Does he like me?

A smile occurred on my face thinking that. I wouldn't mind being his girlfriend if he asked me out. He is annoying but I can compromise on that.

Giving a last glance to myself, I rushed outside my room.

"Well, I am ready" Giving him a smile I went towards him. I gave him a look as he was just there staring at me not saying anything.

"Y-yea sorry. Let's go shall we?" He took my hands effortlessly as it was the most natural thing ever. I swear my ears were the darkest shade of red right now.

"You know sometimes I forget that you are rich" Seeing the car outside, stunned me. Rich people sure have it differently.
He chuckled at my words and opened the gate for me. What the fuck happened to him? Mindlessly I sat inside.

"So where are we going?" I asked him excitedly. "Now that's a secret" He looked at me buckling his seatbelt. I rolled my eyes over his words.

"How was your first day?" he asked while setting the music. Warmth settled in my stomach. I have always felt envious of those who had someone asking about their day and now him asking me like this makes me feel something funny.

"It was good... OH, you won't believe who I saw today!!" He looked at me amused.

"oh? "

"It was HER!! FLORAS DAUGHTER CAN U BELIEVE IT? For a moment I couldn't even believe my luck, I was there sitting like what-". I stopped my rambling as I looked at him staring at me with amused eyes. It felt strange seeing him looking at me like this.

"What? Why are you looking at me like this?" He shook his head looking forward.

"No it feels good when you tell me about your day. " I blushed at his words. Come on Lu, why are blushing like a bitch.

"Ahm so, yea that was it. Speaking of the first day, did you send me flowers?" I almost forgot about the damn flowers which I have safely secured at my desk.

"yes, did you like it?" His extra sweet voice was making me swoon plus scared simultaneously.

"No, I threw it away" he chuckled at the words and the sound of his voice was so beautiful. I forgot there was a time when I found him annoying. Now I can't be irritated with him even if I want to.

"Here we are" He parked the car and again opened the gate for me. Woah, acting like a gentleman like this is a foul play.

"Hands my lady" I giggled like a middle schooler and put my hands on his.
We went inside the restaurant and holy shit, I am assured that the food here will cost me a year's salary.

"Hey, just so you know you are the one paying here" He laughed, making fun of me as I scoffed

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"Hey, just so you know you are the one paying here" He laughed, making fun of me as I scoffed.

"So did you like the venue?" He asked me as I was looking around to have a complete look.

"Well, as long as I am not the one paying I fucking love it" he smirked at my words. "Don't worry that won't be a problem as long as you are with me"

"Then I have to stay with you for forever" he looked at me with humor in his eyes.
"Don't make promises that you can't hold"

I raised my eyebrow at his words, "Don't underestimate me once I like someone I tend to be very obsessive and clingy, you know"

"So you mean you like me?" this fucker-

"NO" My face was beet red right now. He smiled at me and let out a nervous chuckle.

"Well, then it's going to be a problem." I looked at him confused.

"Because I have fallen in love with you Luna" My eyes widened and my heart sped up. It felt as if my breath was constricted.

What did he say??? he likes me?? Him?? I am not being delusional am I?

"Now don't make that face. I know our agreement and all and how proud I was but what can I do? You have made me fall in love with so bad that it hurts"

I couldn't believe my ears. I am sure If someone asks me what happiness is, I can tell them that it is this moment, the feeling I am experiencing right now, The look of love I am receiving from him, and the warmth that has engulfed my heart.

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