Chapter 1: New life

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It been almost 3years now...
Y/n is living in ghost world
Seokjin and yn started understanding each other

Both are close too but as friends
But yn is not free there too
Let's see what she do

Y/n: god I'm bored for real
Wow ma'am is sit-in upside down

Yn: so what else I can do?

Seokjin: hey yn three people from Japan!

Yn: ok coming
"Is it really your floor? Your destination?"

Yn: stay back..

Elevator woman scared to see her and went to corner

Yn: (in normal calm tone)
Hey you can talk to me (smile)

One: (shutters) who.. Who are you..?

Two: and this place...?

Yn: this place is not human world
and me? I'm person who's stucked here. You should go back to your world or else you'll be trapped here forever

Elevator woman understand what she meant and they went back to human world and forgot everything happened.

Seokjin: yn it's the time

Yn: okie let's go

I'm going to turn 100 I guess



Kid: eonnie you scared me

Mom: wow my little girl just scared of a ghost?

Kid: mom pls don't say it bcuz if any ghost or doppelganger heard it, us and she will be dead

Yn: (giggle) don't worry btw happiest b'day ever Ema

Ema: thank you eonnie
Yn: and you learning Korean very well too even though you're British

Ema: it's call talent (swag)

Yn: (giggles) sure. hey do you want to see your human celebrating her b'day?

Her words made both mother and daughter surprised

Ema: re.. really...?
Yn: yup. Hold my hands. She is NYC right now

In human world

Ema: thank you mother

Mom: no problem dear

Ema: (hug) this moment will stay in my heart for forever... My mother is so brave that she leaved that bad man (father) for us

Mom: .....
Dear I know you loved your dad.. But he was a bad person and you knew that...

Ema: I know... I wish he would be with us as a best father in the world

Doppelganger family is sad. Human Alan used to fight with his wife and often abused her and sometimes his own child.
Doppelganger killed himself later when human died as per law.
Yn noticed ghost Alan near his human family and she just smiled and tried to talk with him

Yn: hey.. Don't worry no one can see us or listen

Alan: I.. You are yn right?

Yn: yes sir. But Mr. Alan.. you loved your family right..?

Alan: yes.. I forcefully did those things and I had no proofs about it..

Yn: I know that.. Your DG told me about it

Alan: my what..?

Yn: nothing.. Do you want a second birth to live with your family?

Alan: huh..?

Yn: she is 7th month pregnant and baby is a boy

Alan: I.. I touched her when she was pregnant..?

Yn: hey don't cry everything would
be fine. You as their protective and caring son and brother. You can live with them. I can help you

Alan: but.. (Hugged his family) ok I'm ready

She just smiled and later human felt a kick in her womb

Ema: what happened mother..?
Mom: baby.. kicks...

Doppelganger mother is surprised too bcuz she felt the kick too...

Yn: your father will be your son and brother

Mom: what...?

Yn: yup. And you can feel the kicks and tickles too but not the pain. You can go and live in human world at three chances. One at Emma's b'day after your son will born. Next on his b'day and third chance on your b'day ma'am. And you can come back if you want in same order. I will help you

Both cried in happiness where they understood nothing that how she do this things. They hugged her and she left after passing a warm smile

Seokjin: ya stop running for God sake yn

Yn: I'm not running I'm flying Mr. Kim (laughed)

Seokjin: mom will yell at me all bcuz of you!

Yn: she won't believe me

Seokjin: ma'am (-ω-;)

Yn: okk stop staring me like that.. Fine let's go


Yn: aunty pls don't shout on him.
It was my idea to enter in house
using ceiling

Miss Kim: fine. Next time pls use door or wall

Both: okie

Yn: I have to go

Mom: again?

Yn: yes I'm sorry but I'll be back in 10 minutes believe me

Mom: fine. Don't be late

She disappeared after passing a smile

To be continued..

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