Chapter 32: Confession

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At Night

Y/n's House-LOVE confession time

Y/n and her family is trying to help y/n to confess something to someone but it looks kinda impossible...

Y/n: stop...I know and I'm not gonna do it.

Mom: we know about your feelings for him y/n.

Y/n Dg: you know why I used to fight him!?

Dad: yes.

Y/n DG: ok it's embarrassing..

Y/n: it's embarrassing for me more than YOU!

Grandma: then you know that you have feelings for him.

Y/n: I do but... I don't know if he feels the same for me or not.. Love is indeed complicated matter...

Dad: it's not. You are the one who is making things complicated.

Hoseok: if you love him then say it.

Y/n: I do love him but.. It's tough.. What if he done...?

Hobi: stop thinking of getting rejection.

Haha everyone need someone in life who is always right even though they sound angry and rude. Y/n Hobi aka Hoseok DG.

This time Grandpa adviced her..

Grandpa: at least confess dear. Nothing bad will happen.

Grandma: you can do it privately too of you're afraid of getting humiliated, my daughter.

Y/n: .. I will think about it.. Good night..

With that, she left the room and suddenly Mr. Jung aka her dad spoke which was inaudible yn..

Dad: who is gonna explain her that he love her?

Y/n DG: no one and all thanks to YOU.

Hobi: she means to say that we can't go against her choice.

Y/n DG: yeah.. Sorry to sound rude... I'm frustrated..

Dad: it's ok and ya we can't go against her choices that's why I'm still sitting here silently doing nothing.

Mom: yeah you could handle things violently.

Everyone began to laugh and Mr. Jung just made a angry yet frown while looking at nothing.

Family said good night and went to their room to sleep.

Next day
At company rooftop.

Y/n was going to the same corner of the roof to relax but then she saw someone..

Y/n: Jungkookie...?

Jungkookie: Y/n: ..?

He turned when he heard a familiar voice and y/n approached him to the side because it's the first time Jungkookie aka Jungkook DG is standing alone on the company rooftop.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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