Chapter 15: The impolite kid

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Demon: it's a waste to run like this little bunny! You all are going to die! It's 1 am and I'm more powerful!

All are killed and before the demon could celebrate, she gets stucked in the air while screaming

Demon: what the hell. Leave me!! (Gasp) Mammon and Asmodeus? How are you both?

Mammon: stop with this destruction

Demon: like I will listen to you.

Asmodeus: you killed almost everyone in this building and even Yn

Demon: wh..what? ... Satan?

Satan: you killed her as soon as you took over her. Look down

Demon: ... I... I didn't killed her right? Haha I don't care who lives or dies. Everyone on the earth have done sins

Asmodeus: you won't listen. Fine. I'm bringing yn back to life

Demon: you're not God

Satan: she's dead bcuz of you but if you go and live inside her-

Demon: I won't- wait... NO!!!
Yn: (opened eye) .. Wh..where am I..? Asmodeus? Mammon? Satan? How you all-

Asmodeus: we came here to save you yn

Yn: from who?

Demon: "from me obviously"

Yn: you're that demon right?

Demon: "yup who else could be inside a human like you"

Yn: hmm.. So you destroyed everything?

Mammon: but we can fix this. Don't worry.

Yn: thanks
Yn: what!? Did..I... Did I kill them?

Satan: I retrieved them don't worry.

Yn: but I... I almost... Ok you need to control on your powers Miss Demon

Demon: "whatever"

Yn: you spoiled kid! Apologize for your bad behavior!

Demon: "to whom? You? "

Yn: hell Lords who are standing in front of us

Demon: "sorry my foot"

Yn: you impolite kid!!! (All laughing)
Namjoonie: who are you!?

Yoongi: are you.. Yn? Real yn?

Yn: nah I'm a fridge bruh... Fine, I'm REAL Jung Yn. Guys come out everything is alright

Jimin: Who-are-you? Cuz you're not that girl, I fell in love with. Baby~~

Yn: I'm that girl only... But I'm still a secret. And that demon is me only. I'm half demon and half human

All: what!?

Yn: yes. This demon was inside me
the whole time and today was the
day when this demon will get
powers and become unstoppable.

Jin: but how..?

Taehyung: how you could be a demon?

Yn: idek.. Btw introducing Asmodeus, Mammon and Satan. The Hell Lords from Seven Hell Lords

All: Satan!?

Yn DG: (bow) good to see you here Lord Satan. The kings of hell Mammon and Asmodeus.

Them: no need to be formal yn.

Mammon: Be normal

Yn DG: as you say.

Satan: you're part of us only ok?

Yn DG: ok.

Yn: ya they helped me to control this demon inside me. I.. I'm sorry Jungkookie and everyone... I killed you all painfully... I promise I won't do that ever again.

Jungkookie: ... It.. It wasn't your fault yn...

Yn: are you scared of me..?

Demon: "not of you but of me idiot. They all are scared of me"

Yn: it's your fault only

Demon: "I can kill you in a second you ugly human so stay within your limits"

Yn: killing is not a solution of every problem dear

Demon: "whatever"

Yn: you should apologize to everyone for being a bad demon

Demon: "apologies my foot"

Yn: you impolite kid!

Yn DG: well you looked awesome with those clothes and horns yn

Yn: eh..

Suga: and those wings. Can I get them?

Yn: ... What should I say...

Demon: "they are talking about me idiot so no need to say anything. And ya ik how beautiful I am and dare to touch me and you'll be burned"

Yn: ma'am..(rolled eyes) well Namjoons?

Namjoonie: no words

Namjoon: yn.. Are you ok..?

Yn: well.. I'm

Yn DG: and when this demon controlled you?

Yn: idk bcuz I was dead.

All: what!?

Yn: yes. The demon took over me forcefully plus with full power and unknowingly killed me.

Asmodeus: But she wasn't dead just a lifeless body

Mammon: but don't worry. Without Yn's permission, this demon can't do anything

Demon: "but I'm still unstoppable"

Namjoon: .. I..

Yn: ...???

Yn DG: we should go home and get some sleep (yawn) that Kookie is so lucky. He can sleep whenever he want

Jungkookie: .. Jungkook let's go

Jungkook: hmm...

Yn DG: I'm tired too... Who will take me home?

Hoseok: let me do that

Yn DG: thank you (*^^*)//...wait the fk I said

Hobi: yn effect haha. And yn are you coming?

Yn: hmm

They all teleported even demons but yn stayed bcuz she wanted to talk with Namjoon privately.

Yn: and that's why...

Namjoonie: ok I will leave. When you are done call me

Namjoon: hmm...

Yn: Namjoon now you can speak. What's the- (hug)

Namjoon: every time you need to act stupid? Can't you do things using your big head?

Yn: ... No.. I have a big head but nothing is inside it but a peanut

Namjoon: (broke hug) stop being an idiot pls

Yn: Namjoon I'm fine look.

Namjoon: why you're a demon? Why did three hell Lords came here?

To be continued...

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