Chapter 21: Understanding and Trust

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Next day

In company

Yn standing in her boss's cabin wearing a formal outfit and a messy bun where the boss is sitting on his chair examining the file she gave wearing a serious face.

Yn is nervous bcuz she and her group worked hard on it.

The silence was killing Yn and that's when Namjoon decided to break the silence by saying

Namjoon: good job

Yn: (control your happiness yn) thank you Mr. Kim (bow)

Namjoon: you and your team are promoted

Yn: tysm sir. I promise we will work harder and more efficiently than before

Namjoon: all the best. You may go now

Yn: yes sir. (Went after bowing)
Taehyung: if he said anything rubbish to our work, I swear I will throw him outside the window

Yn DG: I will help you

Jungkook: but can we pls think positively for a while?

Yn DG: positively?

Jin: yn don't (laughing)

Yn DG: you read my mind? Gosh!!

Jin: are you embarrassed?

Yn DG: are you dreaming?

Taehyung: look yn is here

Yn: ....

Jimin: what he said?

Taehyung: .. Looks like he again threw papers on her face and insulted our work

Jin: are you ready for World War 3?

Yn DG: guys look at her shining eyes first

Jimin: ... Yn?

Yn: we are promoted to a higher level. He liked our work..

Them: ....

Jimin: yes!!!

Jin: you did it yn, yn DG, Jungkook and Taehyung!!

Yn DG: finally he made the right decision using his big brain

Jungkook: it's time for celebration

Yoongi: why tf.. I mean why are you screaming?

Jimin: they promoted to the next level Yoongi-ahh

Yoongi: ok great but pls don't make noise. (went while smiling) (Congratulations.. You did a great work guys and finally, you got what
you deserve)

Yn DG: can't he simply congratulate us?

Yn: ... (Smile) it's ok. Let's give good news to our doppelganger friends.

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