Chapter 24: Chaos and...

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Namjoon: I thought you came here to call Ms. Jung

Namjoonie: I.. I forgot about it. I'm sorry

Yn: (control yn..pls handle his cuteness and politeness..)

V: By the way why are you apologizing to him?

Taehyung: Are not you the boss?

Namjoon: then who I'm?

Jin: a potato

Yn: (holding laugh) seriously?

Namjoonie: it means... I'm a potato too?

Yn: nouu you are my fluffy koala bear

Kookie: yn?

Yn: yes baby Kookie?

Kookie: I'm not a baby! (Cute angry)

Kookie: I'm not a baby! (Cute angry)

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I'm a man!

Yn: . . . Yeahhh come with me in the evening and I will get you a chocolate cake from bakery o(╥﹏╥)

Kookie: cho..chocolate cake..? Okie thank youuu

Yn: (sniffing) he's happy

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Yn: (sniffing) he's happy...

Jungkook: Kookie I demand a hug ಠ_ಠ

Hoseok: me 2

Hobi: me 3

Taehyung: me 4

V: me 5

Kookie: hehe okie. Anyone else?

Jungkookie: stop this nonsense and give hugs to those number line, no 5 trains

Kookie: I can hug you too

Jungkookie: and how you Mr. Intelligent?

Kookie: by hugging the inner child of Jungkook (-^〇^-)

Jungkook: ... You know I can't-

Yn: Jungkook, Kookie is your inner child only. He want hugs all the time means the kid inside you is carving for I right?

Yn DG: Child inside you need protection maybe bcuz of that Jungkookie is trying his best to protect Kookie...

Elevator Game S2: Secrets and the QuestsWhere stories live. Discover now