Chapter 29: The Past...

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Yn pushed Yn DG towards a warm hug and their sweet brothers joined too.

Yn: family hug hehe just...

She paused while a sad smile welcomed on her pale face

Yn: Laura and Samara are missing.. Anyways I want to talk with cupcake in personal..

She broke the hug and looked at her brother before stating and her brothers left without asking a single question

Hoseoks: ok no problem. (Went)

Yn said nothing at first because it's must for her to say the things without making the situation awkward..

Yn: he being rude towards me.. (She looked at her doppelganger cupcake) I'm talking about Hoseok orahbeonnie

Yn DG: hmm so you want to know how he behaved with me?

Yn: yes if..

Yn DG: I sometimes wonder... Anyways let's keep that topic aside. Yes he was too kind to be real. The best brother one could ever have but I never cared about it... I didn't even looked towards his smiling face who always show love to me...

She sighed and without making a eye contact, she started speaking about the painful past of her in different dimension of Elevator Game.

Yn DG: I never called him "brother"... But he still cared of me even though I'm not his real sister

Yn: (while looking down) just like me..

Her eyes shined, filled with hope. She asked

Yn: Then how they meet you? I'm adopted...which means you too..?

Yn DG: looks like you finally remember everything.. Well you know doppelganger comes into existence when their human did something wrong or said something wrong. I mean did any kind of sin

Yn: I do... I don't remember doing anything bad at very young age..

Yn DG: (chuckle) you mistakenly killed a bug with your pink slipper. Remember?

Yn: aish... (´⌒`;) hmm I'm embarrassed now... I even screamed that f word even though I was just 5

Yn DG: yes. I was soft as you. Scared of everything and everyone. But soon I became the most dangerous and ruthless child to ever exist when you went in coma.

Yn: wh..what?

Yn DG: yes. I was being bullied too much by other kids and even adults so I changed myself because I was tired!

Yn: your parents... didn't liked that...right..?

Yn DG: exactly. They cried seeing my new form.

Yn: and you hate me... because my brother was with your brother the whole time.. And then came to me just to take care of me...

Yn DG: hmm... (´・ェ・`) (looked away)

Yn: I.. I'm sorry yn... (。•́︿•̀。)

Yn DG: it wasn't your fault.. Yn really I-

She looked at her and noticed she was tearing down while sobbing and sniffing

She made a disgusted face and said before engulfing her in a warm hug

Yn DG: idiot! You look super ugly while crying

Yn: (giggling while sniffing) I know... Suga and Mochi told me about it before.

Yn DG: hmm

Yn DG: you have to Mom!

Hoseok: .....

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