Chapter 14: Meet the Demon

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At office building

Time: 7 pm

Yn is standing alone thinking of what happened in the morning..what she did with those mafia brothers


n: I.. I didn't wanted to kill them..but I did... And it was horrible... The floor and my clothes were drenched in blood but thx to cupcake that I changed my jacket in time and no one noticed...

No pls, it can't be happen... shouldn't happen... Pls pls...

Namjoon: hey

Yn: (flinched) ahhh... Oh, Mr. Kim? You here?..
I..I'm sorry it's your company and obviously you can go anywhere you want... I'm so sorry... I better go to my desk.

Yn was about to go but after a few steps she flinched and didn't believe what just happened

Namjoon held her wrist and stopped her with his deep but firm voice

Namjoon: yn.. Stop. I'm not your boss right now. Just Namjoon so no need to be formal

Yn: but it-

Namjoon: I told everyone to go home and take a rest. Obviously, you guys worked hard without taking breaks and me? (Sigh) I never appreciated your hard work. But I swear I did those things bcuz of those CEOs.

Tomorrow is a half day and only a few employees will come to work..

I stopped you bcuz..I want to apologize yn...

Yn: for... For what?

Namjoon: pls look at me first

Yn: Mhm but Mr. Kim I mean Nam...Namjoon?

Namjoon: are you scared of me?

Yn: no no (turned to him) it's not like that

Namjoon: then why are you shuttering?

Yn: maybe.. I'm nervous that's why..

Namjoon: nervous?

Yn: yes. Bcuz you changed I mean you  changed completely I mean change in your behavior I mean-

Namjoon: stop.. (Chuckle) you're really nervous but it's really cute Miss Jung Yn.

Yn: ... (Blushing) thank.. Thank you..

Namjoon: (laughing) god pls be natural Yn

Yn: ... Okay

Namjoon: hmm.. Thx for your help ym. Really, you are so brave. You didn't think twice and without any fear, deal with two dangerous mafias who were ready to shoot you?

Yn: yup (cutely) me muscle woman Ψ(≧ω≦)Ψ

Namjoon: (giggles) really

Yn: ... Someone ever told you that you look amazing while laughing and smiling?

Namjoon: .... Thanks but-

Mochi: yeah you both are having fun without us?

Namjoon: fun at the roof, seriously? Looks like you have a game to play on the roof

Mochi: . . . .

Jimin: welcome to the gang. BRT

Mochi: BRT?

Jimin: Being Roasted all the Time

Yn DG: btw I heard laughing sounds. And it's wasn't yn for sure

Yn: yup it was our boss

Doppelgangers: what!?

V: this iceberg knows how to laugh?

Taehyung: V!?

Yn DG: but he is right. I thought he is emotionless

Suga: that's good he laughed on his own otherwise me, Jungkookie and Mochi had planned to cut his face-

Both: he's lying!

Yn: .....

Namjoon: . . . . Well yes ik how to laugh and I own emotions like you all

Suga: hence proved. You're a human

Namjoon: you mean if you're laughing then only you're tagged as human?

Yn DG: bcuz humans laugh or smile often but you do nothing just sit idol with your icy cold behavior.

V: Kim iceberg

Namjoonie: guess you did a crime

Namjoon: and that's why you all are fired

Hoseok: guys chill (giggles)

Yn DG: believe me. I thought you're not a human bcuz you don't laugh or smile and ya keep my sister away bcuz she's indeed an alien right yn? .... Yn?

Jimin: yn..what happened..?

Jungkook: hey..are you ok..?


Yn wore a smile and it wasn't cute and calm as always but.. creepy.
They looked at her with wide eyes and an open jaw.

They are still asking what's the matter but she's not answering just standing without blinking.

Suga: why..the atmosphere is suddenly so hot...

Jungkookie: the sky is turning red...

V: hey yn-

Yn: don't worry (in creepy echo voice) you all are going to burn to death already. You all have done many sins and especially you, Jungkook Doppelganger

Jungkookie: Jk DG...?

Hobi: yn why are you talking like this?

Hoseok: it's not funny yn.

Yn: you think I'm acting? But I'm not bcuz I'm not your Yn.

V: wh..what..?

???: I'm a demon you humans and doppelgangers! Your death!! (Transform)
Run for your life!!!

The demon laughed creepily before chasing Jungkookie.

Everyone is running for their life but it's a waste.

Demon: it's a waste to run like this little bunny! You all are going to die! It's 1 am and I'm more powerful!

All are killed and before the demon could celebrate, she got stucked in the air while screaming

Demon: what the hell. Leave me!! (Gasp)


To be continued...

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