Chapter 10: Birthday.. but

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At night
In front of Jung Yn's house

I got a call from that new CEO but I can't going answer it since I'm mute.. (-ω-;)
I entered in the house thinking Yn DG would be inside but she wasn't bcuz whole house is surrounded by darkness.

I turned on the lights as a soon as I found the light switch and got startled bcuz of the sudden sound


"Happy b'day yn!!!"

I couldn't say anything bcuz of how surprised I was I mean I couldn't react but still bowed to them with my teary eyes

Mochi: wow such an amazing way to say thank you "I know that right" .... I won't say can use my voice.. "Thank you Mochi~"

Yn: (-^〇^-)

Mochi: .. (Shy but not showing) you can stop with that voice..

Yn DG: "ok I didn't expected you all will teleport me at this house" Finally this idiot noticed that we are at her second house. "Hey only Mochi and Suga have rights to call me idiot! "

Yn: (•ˋ _ ˊ•)

Mochi: and why? "I'm blessed that's why"

Yn: (`・ω・')

Mochi: she don't have a valid reason

Suga: exactly. It makes zero sense

Yn DG: "I know that right..."

Yn: hey Rose wait!!

All: (scared)

Yn DG: yn.. She is dead and..her family

Yn: hey she can't see ghosts that's why and pls don't...

Kookie: (scared) how that sandle-

Yn: pls don't make me hit you with
my slippers.. Ari enough!! Stop!! Put it down both of you!!
(Sandals fall on the ground) ....
Yeah I don't remember that I asked
for a hug. But it's ok... Thank you for your wishes. Literally you guys know everything about me- Mom!? (Hug) I missed you... Thank you

Yn DG: (now is able to see them) Mom Dad.. I missed you too...

Dad: we knew about it that's why we are child

Grandma: anyways happy b'day my twin grandchildrens

Yn DG: but it's not my b'day..

Yn: well it is.

Mom: exactly Cup cake

Yn DG: cup..cup cake..?

Yn: hey I don't like that nickname

Yn DG: I'm keeping it

Yn: bruh..fine you can and keep this in your mind that I'm gonna call you cupcake only

Yn DG: ... You can

Jin: hey ma'am (grandma) when you all came?

Grandma: 2 seconds before your arrival

Jin: understood

Hobi: thx Yn to let them see the ghosts otherwise...

Yn: yeah.. Btw Mr. Kim, what you want to say?

Namjoon: ... Are we in the company-

Yn: it's not a valid answer. Well I know mind reading... And that's why ik what you thought in your head

All: what!?!?

Kookie: yes but no one believed us

Mochi: we three are the first doppelganger to meet her so of course we are telling the truth but no!

Suga: no one believed us. You thought we are playing a prank

Jin: we are real jokers to you all

Yoongi: fine we are sorry now don't act like 5 year old angry kid

Suga: look at your age first grandpa

Yoongi: you're 3000 plus. Now tell me who's old here

Mochi: you humans obviously

Jimin: ya ya it means you should give respect to us

Mochi: respect my foot

Dad: let me show you how to give respect

Them: no we are fine

Yn: ..... Anyways..

Luka: can we cut that strawberry cake!?!?

Ghosts: Luka?

Luka: sorry sorry

Max: you ruined their surprise Luka

Luka: I told you I'm sorry

Kookie: it's ok Luka. You apologized and thats why you are good boy

Luka: thank you to not to burst on me (smile)

After cake cutting


n: Ari, Max come here! I told I will-

Yn DG: handle your kids yn!!!

Kookie: flying cupcakes...

Yn: stop using your powers!! Take this cake and go... Bruh

Jin: both are disasters

Suga: but now destructive weapons

Hoseok: right bcuz a of them are together..

Yn: what!? excuse me I'll be back (went to talk with ghost kids)

After 15 minutes


n: no it's not like that

Yuri: then why you didn't gave us cake?

Yn: but I gave to Max and Ari...wait I caught you all in 8k

Luna: hehe fine we are sorry

Rose: you should peek behind you

Yn: huh? (Noticed mirror)... Why they are staring me like that..

To be continued....

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