Chapter:17 Ice cream battle

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Yn: Ya his facue was cute and that's why I pinched his dumplings

Yn DG: dum.. Anyways..

Namjoonie: he don't have dumplings

Yn: I mean his cheeks are soft and big like dumplings. I want to pinch him again!

Suga: someone stop her..

Yn: I'm not going to disturb that little soul..

Suga: great..

Yn: hehe

Namjoonie: stop acting cute otherwise I will kidnap you

Yn: (cute sad pout) you will kidnap me?

Namjoonie: yes before anyone else kidnape this cute girl

Yn: .. (Blush) .. I.. Thx

Namjoonie: are you ok?

Yn: ye..yes.. Don't look at me like that

Namjoonie: (came closer) (in deep husky voice) do you think I will harm you?

Yn: I..I didn't said that

Namjoon: stay away from her Mr. Kim Namjoon!!

Jimin: if she's saying then why are you coming closer to her!?

Hoseok and Hobi: don't try to touch her otherwise I won't think twice to kill you!

Jungkookie: touch a strand of her hair and I will make sure you to bleed until you recover yourself

Yn: .... (O_O)

Namjoonie: .....?????

Both: what..?

Yn: anyways Hobi and Hoseok oppa wanna come to grab some Icecream?

Kookie: ice cream..?

Yn: yes. Which flavor you want?

Kookie: Mhm.. Idk.. Wait Corn ice cream

Yn: great choice. What about others? And ya I'm not asking to V and Taehyung

Both: what we have done to you? (Fake crying)

Suga: bcuz she know you both gonna pick three scoops of strawberry ice-cream only. Anyways chocolate for me

Yoongi: me 2

Yn: excellent.

Jungkook: me 3

Namjoonie: me 4

Jin: me 5

Jimin: me 6

Mochi: me 7

Yn DG: I'm not gonna join this number line so vanilla and chocolate scoop

Yn: same here. (Hey demon I hope you will like it)

Demon: "ya will see"

Yn: nice (hey I remember. Lucifer gave you name Raven, is it ok?)

Raven: "its beter then those weird names"

Yn: okie. Let's go oppas

Jimin: I'm coming with you too

Jungkookie: me 3

Namjoonie: me Hoseok Hobi, yn and her doppelganger are going and no one else is going to come otherwise-

Jimin: but why you?

Namjoon: are you kind a celebrity or something?

Jungkookie: and why we will listen to you?

Yn: ... (Sigh) (whisper) oppa, yn, Jin let's go and get ice creams

In front of ice cream truck

Yn is standing in front of the truck giving the order but other are standing a little far just to have a little personal talk more like investigation

Yn: ya and I would like to pay by scanning the code. Thank you

Yn DG: I wonder why they all began to fight..

Jin: yeah.. I can understand for Hoseok and Hobi bcuz they are yn's brothers and even you bcuz you're her sister but why others?

Hoseok: Jungkook could argue too but it's fine bcuz he's her childhood friend

Yn DG: and what about others!? Even Namjoon fought saying "are you kind a celebrity or something?"

Hobi: I hope they are not arguing but talking like grown up adults

Yn: hey let's go.

They started heading to the garden happily while talking about ice creams and that fight but

Hobi: let me take one bag

Yn: thank you

Hoseok: ice cream will surely help to calm-

Suga: fight fight fight fight!

Yoongi: yes break his neck!!

Suga: no, head!!

Yoongi: not bad

Taehyung: I want some popcorns

V: me too

Namjoons: you impolite kid!

Mochi: you are a kid you old man!!

Jimin: idiot you called them old man and kid at the same time!!

Mochi: don't raise your voice!!

Yn: .... Kookie..?

Jungkookie: I won't let that kid come outside until I kill them all!

Yn: ...

Yn DG: you know what, we should go somewhere and enjoy our ice creams peacefully

Yn: good idea (all teleport)

All: no!!!! Ahhh!!!

Yn: it's ok I will give ice creams to someone special.

To be continued...

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