01| Normal Morning

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A small thud echoed in the apartment, followed by the sound of a pencil hitting the hardwood floor. The pencil rolled underneath the coffee table and only stopped when it met a fat, soft, and fluffy ball of black fur sleeping soundly and not bothered by anything.

Park Seonghwa sighed at the sight. He looked at the pile of books stacked on the coffee table with a tired expression, like he couldn't be bothered anymore. Like none of it made sense anymore. His brain was glitching, his eyes were itchy from staring too long, and his determination of only an hour ago had long left him.

He was tired but it was only 8:30 am in the morning, way too early for him to go back to bed or take a quick nap on the couch. Besides he still had 30 more minutes of his scheduled reading time for the day. But then again, his mind wasn't retaining any information and he was hungry. He hadn't eaten breakfast yet and his stomach was grumbling in protest.

He rolled his shoulders back before shaking his head at the words that he promised himself the second he woke up this morning. He wanted to learn more about mind psychology but ten minutes in and the words seemed to float off of the page, running around the textbook aimlessly. Seonghwa had dyslexia so it was easy for something like this to make him frustrated fast and want to give it up even faster.

He climbed to his feet, picking up the pencil and putting it between two pages of the book which he was trying hard to finish in less than a week. He picked up the fluffball from the floor and carried it out of the room and toward the kitchen. Both he and his cat needed to eat anyway.

 "Why do you like sleeping there so much, Lex? Why did I bother to buy you a brand new bed, huh?" his voice sounded like a whisper, a soft but deep whisper. "What if there's dust?"


His cat just looked at him with a stern look, like there was gonna be dust. He takes better care of his apartment than he does himself. The place was always spotless. She just purred as Seonghwa set her down on the barstool before the kitchen counter. He scratched under her chin and moved behind her ears. Lex was such a bratty cat but she was naturally her owner's little princess so of course she was.

"I'll have breakfast ready in a second, okay? Be patient and nap here."


Seonghwa stepped around the counter just as the familiar ringtone of his cell phone filled the quiet air. He propped the iPhone up in front of him and against the bread tin.

Park Haneul would like to FaceTime...

A genuine smile adorned his face as he answered the call.

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