31| Unsuccessful Attempt

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The surgery failed.

Seonghwa found Yeosang on the floor in the storage room, his head in his hands. He was hiding there and had been for the past twenty minutes. He handed his pager to the first person he saw before isolating himself and breaking down.

He knew he shouldn't have gotten so attached. He knew it well. But he refused to accept what he couldn't control. Just because something was against the odds didn't mean it was impossible. Things could still work out despite not going the way people wanted. Nothing was hopeless.

Yeosang reminded himself of that and kept repeating it inside his head like a mantra. He wouldn't give up. He wouldn't distance himself just because it might be easier on him in the long run. It wasn't fair to save his heart while it broke someone else's.

He was a good nurse and a nice person.

He had to stay like that.

Seonghwa exhaled as he knelt in front of his best friend, squeezing Yeosang's shoulder to get his attention. The omega raised his head, blurry-eyed as he blinked his tears away, and looked up at Seonghwa.

"Hyung... " his voice cracked.

"Oh, Yeosangie," Seonghwa sighed. 

He hated seeing the blonde like this. He sat back on his haunches and opened his arms silently. Yeosang didn't hesitate as he fell forward and hugged Seonghwa. He sobbed into the beta's shoulder, his body wracking as he let himself be comforted. Seonghwa rubbed Yeosang's back, patting it now and again, and then reaching his hand up and stroking the omega's hair. 

"It d-didn't work," Yeosang cried.

"I'm sorry," Seonghwa whispered.

There was always a chance it didn't work. A 50/50 chance. But all signs pointed to it being successful. Yeosang reread everything, Seonghwa double-checked it too, and the performing doctor was 98.09% sure it would work. Except it didn't. The only silver lining was that it didn't make the condition worse because it had no effect at all.

"This w-was her last surgery op-option," Yeosang stuttered, hiccuping and pulling away.

Seonghwa stopped the omega from going too far. He brushed the strands of blonde hair sticking to Yeosang's face and wiped his tears away with the pads of his thumbs. Yeosang sniffed, his gaze on the floor between them as he tried to calm down.

"We can find another way," Seonghwa said. "We can keep looking. Not everything can be solved with surgery. Maybe it doesn't have to be that drastic. There are plenty of remedies in the world."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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