14| Fluttering Feelings

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Seonghwa woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. He blinked his eyes open and immediately squinted them to try and adjust to the lighting. He groaned, rolling onto his side and burying his face in the pillows while hugging something close to his chest. He knew this would happen. He knew he shouldn't have had so much to drink. But in the moment, it was fun and stress relieving but now he was suffering from it.

Seonghwa frowned with his eyes closed, wondering why his bed suddenly had a side to it, why it felt so small, and what he holding in his arms. His eyes quickly snapped open and despite his thumping headache, he glanced around before shooting up into a sitting position that he immediately regretted.

"Ow, shit... " he groaned, cradling his head in his hands.

This was the second time he'd woken up in San and Wooyoung's apartment.

"Hyungie, you're awake? How do you feel?"

But it was the first time they were at home when it happened.

Wooyoung crouched in front of Seonghwa, causing the beta to look up and make eye contact with the omega.

"What am I doing here?" Seonghwa asked, not remembering a lot of last night. 

He remembered drinking and dancing with Soyeon and Minho, even sending the two home but his mind was like a blank slate after that.

"You were really drunk last night. Sannie brought you home," Wooyoung explained, keeping his voice quiet so it didn't hurt Seonghwa's head even more. "We didn't want to enter your apartment without your permission, so we let you sleep here. How are you feeling?" he asked again.

"Terrible," Seonghwa muttered. "Sorry about this, I didn't mean to bother either of you."

"You're not a bother, hyung," Wooyoung chastised. "We're neighbors. Friends. Besides, didn't I tell you before you left last night to call if you needed someone to pick you up?"

"I need to go home," Seonghwa said, wanting to stand up but Wooyoung stopped him with both hands on the beta's knees.

"Not yet, I'm going to make you something for your hangover."

"But, I- "

A clattering sound resonated throughout the apartment, cutting Seonghwa off and making him wince in pain at the loud noise. San came tripping into the living room, holding his finger and pouting. Wooyoung glared at him, his eyes speaking volumes as he darted them from the alpha to the beta.

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