29| Missing Piece

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**Smut Warning**

Minutes later, Seonghwa found himself in the middle of San and Wooyoung's bed with Wooyoung kissing his neck as he fumbled with the buttons on Seonghwa's shirt while San kissed him again. Somehow the three had stumbled from the living room to the bedroom, clinging to one another and kissing any part of each other they could before falling onto the soft mattress.

Seonghwa's shirt fell open and Wooyoung admired the sight of the beta's tanned skin and taut muscles. He ran a hand down his stomach feeling Seonghwa shudder under his touch. San pulled away from him, and Seonghwa caught his breath as Wooyoung brought his free hand behind San's head and pulled him into a kiss. The alpha fell into the sensual routine of their lips moving together.

Seonghwa watched the two, biting his bottom lip and enjoying the view of them devouring each other's mouths. The kiss broke and San gripped the ends of his black t-shirt, pulling it over his head and throwing it down on the floor. Seonghwa's hand found Wooyoung's and the omega fell to hover over him as the two kissed again, the beta's hand slipping away to grip Wooyoung's hips.

No one was thinking anymore. It was all instinctual, especially on Seonghwa's part, who last week wouldn't have dreamed of this. He would've blushed furiously at the very thought. But right now, he couldn't care less because he was allowing his beta to take control. Another thing he wouldn't have dreamed of doing. Because he was so beta and too human to be anywhere near as irrational as this. Except for once in his life, he didn't have to think he just had to do what felt right and good because he trusted San, because he trusted Wooyoung, and he knew both would take care of him.

San came up behind Wooyoung, his fingers slipping underneath the omega's shirt and lifting it higher and higher until Wooyoung and Seonghwa's lips parted. San tossed Wooyoung's shirt much like he had his own and attacked the omega's neck with wet kisses that he knew would later turn into prominent hickeys.

Seonghwa let his shirt fall over his shoulder before leaning forward and discarding it to lie next to San and Wooyoung's on the bedroom floor. Wooyoung's mouth fell open with a sigh as San's mouth trailed from his shoulder blade downward. It made goosebumps ripple his skin and his hand reached out to rest in the crook between Seonghwa's neck and shoulder. Seonghwa turned his head and kissed Wooyoung's wrist.

San's arms encircled Wooyoung's waist and his fingers found the omega's belt buckle. He expertly worked it open before pulling down the zipper and slowly tugging Wooyoung's jeans down over his hips leaving Seonghwa the sight of the omega's bright red boxers. The beta held Wooyoung's hand that still rested on him as he scooted closer and placed a featherlight kiss against the younger's stomach.

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