25| Theirs And His

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San closed the door behind him and set something down on the kitchen counter. He turned around and sighed with a soft smile. Wooyoung had gone out to get lunch for them while San stayed behind to look after Seonghwa.

It had been two days since Seonghwa had come home sick and he was getting better slowly but surely. The alpha and omega spending time with him and taking care of him in any way he needed them. Something to eat, something to drink, his medication, or a simple cuddle. They were there in a heartbeat.

He'd left for a few minutes to get his laptop so he could review prices for his bar. Seonghwa had been asleep when he left but now the beta was curled up on the couch with Lex snuggled in his arms. Just like Yeosang had warned, Seonghwa kept saying he was fine but his symptoms still lingered.

San walked up to the couch and knelt in front of the beta. He brushed the dark hair out of his face before gently stroking his cheek. Besides Wooyoung, Seonghwa was really the most captivating thing San had ever seen. The older was handsome without trying, delicate and fragile, but strong and worth everything.

Lex eyed San curiously before somehow reading the room and leaving the two alone. She gracefully jumped out of Seonghwa's arms and sashayed toward the cat jungle gym to carry on napping. San leaned forward and pressed his lips at Seonghwa's pulse point. Breathing in his subtle scent and letting it appease his alpha. He brushed his nose gently over the skin, nuzzling and nudging softly before pulling back.

The beta only hummed sleepily, which made San smile again before he hooked an arm under Seonghwa's legs and then an arm around his waist. He stood up with the beta in a hug and instinctively Seonghwa's arms wound around San's neck. His face rubbed against the crook of the alpha's throat as he stirred slowly.

San carried him back to the bedroom but as he set him down, Seonghwa opened his eyes. San sat beside him on the bed.

"Baby, why did you get up?" he murmured.

"I didn't feel like staying in bed anymore," Seonghwa muttered.

"Are you starting to feel better yet?"

"Much better."

"Are you lying?" San asked, narrowing his eyes playfully.

Seonghwa shook his head.


San tried to shift on the bed slightly to get more comfortable but Seonghwa must've thought he was getting up and leaving him alone. The alpha watched as the beta's fingers reached for his jacket sleeve like holding onto it would keep him close, but then he hesitated and dropped his hands into his lap.

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