05| Little Patient

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Seonghwa took one step inside the hospital when he was attacked by an alpha. Tall as a skyscraper and yet he latched onto the older like he was only a small and excited puppy. Seonghwa stumbled a little as his back hit the wall behind him. His hands patting at the younger's shoulders until he let go.

"You were only gone for two weeks!" Seonghwa chuckled.

"I was so bored! It felt like forever!"

"Oh, so you're just happy to be entertained? Not actually happy to see me," Seonghwa teased.

"Hyung, sometimes you're really annoying."


Seonghwa acted offended, a hand at his heart but his smile gave him away. He was actually really happy to see the younger again. It was only two weeks but his missing presence in the hospital was definitely noticeable. Yunho stuck his tongue out childishly before the two laughed at each other.

Many eyes were on them as they played around. It was normal but strange. An alpha being so omega while around a beta. It didn't do too well for Yunho's reputation but he didn't care. He never did and probably never would. He was always himself around his friends. 

And like anyone would say anything anyway. Yunho was the grandson of the head of the hospital, his grandfather having built Halazia from the ground up over thirty years ago. No one would risk upsetting either man for fear of getting fired on the spot.

"I thought your schedule would be hectic on your first day back?" Seonghwa asked.

Yunho shrugged.

"Not really, I have a surgery this afternoon and a few check-ups to do this morning but nothing too major. Dr. Kim really helped out a lot while I was gone."

"He's a good doctor," Seonghwa agreed.

They started walking down the hallway toward the breakroom. Seonghwa's feet naturally taking him toward the coffee pot. He needed his morning caffeine if he was going to survive the day. It was a bad habit but one that was keeping his eyes open and his body moving. He guessed that's as much as he could ask for after stupidly staying up late to study more of his psychology books.

"Do you want one?" Seonghwa asked throwing a glance over his shoulder.

"I had two espressos before I got here. I'm still buzzing," Yunho shook his head.

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