23| Exhaustion Hits Hard

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Seonghwa walked inside Halazia Hospital and down the hallway, heading straight for the nurses' station to sign for his leave and to drop Yeosang's espresso off.

San and Wooyoung were a little disappointed that they couldn't cuddle on the couch after breakfast or go out for their first official date together. But then San got a call from Yuqi saying that there'd been an accident with the orders they'd made and San had to go over and fix it before tonight's happy hour. Wooyoung decided to go with him seeing as how he didn't want to be home alone and bored.

The three promised to spend time together as soon as everything was settled. Another movie night except this time Seonghwa could actually relax and enjoy it instead of stressing over the closeness and affection he always received from the alpha and omega.

Seonghwa had to admit that it was probably going to take some time until he got used to this new normal. It still felt like a dream he was supposed to wake up from. But it was real. San and Wooyoung liked him... were in love with him, and he agreed to give them a chance. 

To be with them. 

All three of them together. 

An alpha, omega, and beta. 

It was strange to even think about because logically it couldn't work out. It shouldn't work out. Except San and Wooyoung were so sure and sincere about it and Seonghwa couldn't deny that he wanted this more than anything. The way they fixed themselves into his life and now he couldn't imagine life without them.

Seonghwa turned the corner and stumbled in his steps slightly. He caught himself with a hand against the wall while managing not to spill Yeosang's espresso. He felt drained suddenly, weak and tired but he shook his head. He pushed it aside thinking he was just tired and his balance was a bit off today.

He made it to the nurses' station and was greeted by the usual nurse. It was comforting and sad at the same time. Seonghwa had gotten used to her, which only meant that she was working as much as he was.

"Seonghwa oppa... "

"Hi, Ryujinie," Seonghwa smiled at the younger girl.

"I thought you took leave for this week. What are you doing here? Did they guilt you back? I swear this place is where souls get sucked dry," Ryujin said.

The beta laughed at the alpha.

"No, I just came to drop off coffee. I also forgot to sign my leave form, can you grab it for me?" Seonghwa asked.

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