28| Sunday To Remember

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Seonghwa's heart warmed at the sight. He walked into San and Wooyoung's apartment and the photos of the couple that were usually displayed from wall to wall and on the hallway side table had all been replaced and changed.

Where San was holding Wooyoung bridal style there was now a photo of San and Wooyoung standing on either side of Seonghwa. He remembered how the photo was taken and laughed softly at the memory. Just as the camera flash went off, the alpha and omega turned their heads and each kissed one of the beta's cheeks. Wooyoung's pictures were professional, snapped in clear view and 4k, which perfectly showed Seonghwa's crimson cheeks and shy smile.

He still felt slightly guilty that the love-filled pictures of just the two of them were put away in a photo album but he also felt happy. Happy that he was included in their new memories. He looked from left to right at all the different pictures of the three of them together. Or some were just of San and Seonghwa or Wooyoung and Seonghwa. There was even just a picture of Seonghwa by himself while he was baking unaware of the camera flash. And another one where Seonghwa had taken a picture of San and Wooyoung bickering cutely when San accidentally hurt himself again.

It had been a week now since the three became official, somehow though, it felt like it had been weeks or even months. Seonghwa couldn't explain what he felt or why his beta was suddenly much more present around the alpha and omega. His entire life he'd lived almost fully human. He was a beta, after all. Betas didn't shift (very rarely did it ever happen). They also weren't very intuned with the animal side of them. Growling, whining, whimpering, claws, teeth, scenting, and marking were things Betas never did.

Except Seonghwa caught himself whining in front of San and Wooyoung, which was something he'd never done and never experienced before in his entire life. It was strange but in some sense, it felt good. Like a part of him had been suppressed until now. He didn't have to try so hard and as human as he was, was also as beta as he was. He was the perfect balance between the two. For once it felt like Seonghwa had found something instead of losing something.


Seonghwa looked away from the pictures and straight ahead as a familiar flash went off. Wooyoung stood a few feet in front of him. Camera in hand and a wide and bright smile on his face. Seonghwa blinked at the sudden light before smiling back at the omega.

"Haven't you taken enough pictures?"

"Of you? Never," Wooyoung said.

Seonghwa laughed softly as the omega set the camera down before skipping over to him. He stopped in front of the beta, taking his hands in his, and reaching onto his tippytoes to kiss him.

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