Chapter 2: Redeeming Sprout

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"Morning buddy!"

"Mornin' Sprout! What's that smell?"

"I tried cooking breakfast... it's okay though! I can just try again!"

He laughed.

"Maybe we could just pick something up on the way to town square. My treat!"

"If you say so!"

He happily walked with me out the door with me down to town square. As we walked together, I couldn't help but think about what I said last night. I hope he didn't hear....

I'm not even sure I even feel that way for him. I mean, even if I did, there's no way he'd feel that way for me. Not a chance.


"So hitch, are you gonna stare at that sign or are we gonna get something to eat?"

I realized i had been daydreaming...

"We could try that new place around the corner! I heard they have some good coffee, and I know how much of a caffeine goblin you are!"

I need to get my feelings in order...

"Sure thing sprout. Lead the way!"

"Yes sir!"

He happily skipped and hopped down the road and we both visited the new café across the way.

When we entered, an employee greeted us with a huge smile.

"Hello! How can I help you two today!"

We both look up at the menu with our minds set on what we want.

"I want a.... Caramel iced frapp. What do you want sprout?"

"I think I'll just have some doughnuts. Glazed please."

The cashier got our total together and I paid for our food.

"I'll let you two lovebirds know when your things are all ready!"

We both look at each other, jaws DROPPED. Hitch then turns and looks at the cashier.

"Ma'am, we are NOT dating. Hitch is straight."

I quickly formulated a response without actually thinking.

"You don't know that..."



We both look at each other and quickly look away. Why am I blushing? Do I like him? What is happening to me!?

"Hey you two... your things are ready!"

We grab our things and quickly walk out the door.

"I can't believe she would say that! We would never date. We aren't even in love..."

Sprout said this and I actually thought before I spoke this time.

"What would we even be like as a couple?"

"I dunno, I guess we'd like, go on dates or something"

"That wasn't a date though. Cause we're-"

"Freinds. We're just freinds..."

Sprout sighed.

"Are you okay sprout?"

He quickly changed his demeanor and looked at me with a smile.

"Yeah man! Now, let's get to the cleanup site before they start looking for us!"

"You got it!"

We made our way to foretold cleanup site and got started. There wasn't really much left to be done. The unicorns really chipped in and used their newfound powers to help move a good majority of the large debris. Now that I think about it, since we've all united, life has been much more peaceful. I'm glad.

After a few hours, we had come to a stopping point. There's only so much we can do in one day, not to mention sprout and I had slept in. Nobody seemed to notice, which takes some of my concern that people really needed our help.

Since the day had ended, everyone started to head home. I think I'll walk sprout home again. No. I need to assess my feelings for him before we even speak again. I need to go.

"Hey sprout?"

"Hey there hitch!"

"Hey, so I think I'm gonna go head home... ya know, gotta get up early for work and such."

"Oh... okay. Well, stay safe man!"


I then awkwardly ran off, stumbling with each step. What is wrong with me? Why do I keep doing this? Not just to myself but to him too. If he can tell, he's probably waiting for me to confront him.... Oh god. I can't. I can't do it.
I'm crying. Why. Why am I like this.

I then make it home, slamming the door to my lonely home behind me. That is all.

I cry myself to sleep as I drift off and dream of what could've been...

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