Chapter 9: Mayoral Corruption

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//No general POV//

The mic clicks on as the townsponies gather at the square. Phyllis Cloverleaf, the mayor, is prepared to make a speech.

"Testing, testing.."

She sighs and then begins her speech.

"My dear citizens, my son is missing."

Whispers of concern began to spread throughout the crowd.

"I know I know. I'm sure if we all pitch in and look, we can bring him back home. I have my suspicions, and I will do some self-investigation. If anyone has any questions, I recommend you direct them towards our dearest sheriff Hitch. Hitch, would you like to say anything?"

"Hello everyone, as sheriff, it is my sworn duty that I will help the ponies of this town in any way I possibly can. I promise I won't leave one stone unturned. Does anyone have any questions?"

A random pony raised their hoof.

"Hi my names rob, so would you say you have any leads as to who could've taken him."

"Well, while I don't have any current leads, I do have suspicions that will be investigated. Any other questions?"

No one else had any questions or comments.

"I think that'll rap up this meeting, stay safe everyone!"

Everypony went about their day, and Hitch made an attempt to make his way to his office before Phyllis stopped him.

"Sheriff, could I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Well, there's something weird going on behind  your office building."

//Hitch POV//

"What do you mean?"

I know something isn't right here. She's up to something.

"Just come back here."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to, I need to put up missing posters in town so that people will try to look for him."

"Oh, well alright."

Phyllis made a fake smile and walked off, muttering something under her breath.

I went in my office to print out the missing posters. As I looked around my office while waiting on the printer, I noticed something was off with the defense cabinet...

The lock is missing.

I need to find him, and quickly.

As soon as the posters finished printing, I went through Maretime bay, putting up posters at every business, post, and corner. Upon putting up the posters, I noticed I had a lot of posters left.

I decided I would put some up in Bridlewood, and made my way there.

On my way I heard the typical noises you would hear in woods like these, until I heard something...

A scream.

Sprout's scream.

I quickly ran the thick forest, and endless trees, before I found a shed.

I ran up to the old door, and noticed it's unlocked.

Without thinking I swung the door open, only to see an empty, dirty room...

And a small puddle of fresh blood near the door.


I called out to him, hoping for a response.
There was no answer.

I looked around but couldn't see him.
I fear the worst has happened.

As I made my way back to the path I noticed Izzy making her way towards Bridlewood.

"Hey there sheriff Hitch! What brings you to these parts?"

"Currently I'm putting up missing posters for sprout, have you seen him?"

"Have you tried the farmers market?"

I facepalmed.

"No Izzy, the red one."

"They sell red sprouts too?"


"ooooh that one... no can't say I have, why?"


"Well geez, you don't have to yell."

"Could you at least put up these posters in Bridlewood?"

"Sure thing! See ya later soldier!"

"I- okay bye."

Izzy took the posters and made her way to Bridlewood, humming a tune.

Sometimes I worry she's too oblivious for her own good.

As I made my way back to Maretime bay, the sun began to set.

I should go back home, and call it a day.
It's almost impossible to look for someone when the sun goes down. We really need more light posts.

As walked towards my house, I noticed something.

Something felt, off...

The window is broken.

I run through the front door and notice someone in the living room.

"Who's there?"

I prepare to defend myself and slowly creep in...

And then I see him.

My heart swells with joy as he looks at me.

"I'm home."

I smile.

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