Chapter 14: The Glow

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//Sprout's POV//

I sat up out of bed, still shaken from my nightmare. I can smell something...

Something sweet.

I get out of bed, brush my teeth, and walk into the kitchen to see Hitch making pancakes.

I love pancakes.

"Morning sleepyhead! How're you feeling?"

I rub my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm feeling a little better. Don't worry about me."

He turned his head to look at me.

"You literally had a nightmare bad enough to make you wake up screaming. Are you sure?"

"I don't really remember much of it now, so I guess I'm okay. Thanks for comforting me."

I lied.

"If you want, after eating we can go look for your mom. I know how much she means to you."

"Thank you."

Once we finished eating, we went into the living room and noticed Izzy had already left.

Hitch made a scowled expression.

"She got cheese dust on my couch..."

"We could just clean it up and go later-"

"Nonsense. Your mom is more important than a cheese stain. C'mon, let's go."

We left the house and searched every inch of Maretime Bay...

No sign of her.

"Hey Hitch?"


"Before we search Bridlewood, I want to ask you something..."

"What is it?"


"Aw c'mon, you can tell me anything, you know that."


"If she's... y'know, could you please be there with me?"

"Of course, but I'm sure she'll be just fine. And whatever happens, I'll be here with you. I love you."

"I love you too."

We both went and searched the streets of Bridlewood...

No sign of her.


We searched every alleyway...


No sign of her.


After searching every home, store, bar, and place of life, we decided to head towards Zephyr Heights, thinking she might be in that Pegasus city.


We decided to cut through the woods to get there faster.


There's something on that tree.



"I think I found her..."

"What do you mean?"

He looked at me to see the look of utter terror on my face when he noticed it.

Her hair on one of the branches...

"I think this is hers..."

I started to tear up.

Hitch quickly rushed over to me to comfort me.

"Hey, maybe it's just a clue. Let's keep looking."

We went deeper and deeper into the forest, the trees growing thicker with each step.

Something smells...


We both exchange a quick look of confusion due to the growing smell, and keep moving.


I rush over to Hitch.

"What!? What is it!?"

"This bush, it's glowing!"

I begin to slowly step towards the bush.

"What.. what is that?"

"Be careful!"

"I am, I'm just wondering why this bush is gl-"

Without a single second to spare, the ground below me had broken.

I bite my tongue and hold my breath, hoping I don't die.






My fall was broken...


I open my eyes...


I look beneath my feet...



I scream and cry, scratching at the walls of dirt trying to get out.

I keep slipping back down.

I keep slipping back down to her.


I'm nearly out breath and unable to stand out of nervousness.


I'm too tired to move anymore.

I begin falling unconscious...

Hitch... where are you?

Hello readers! I know it's been awhile. I've been working hard on this chapter! Hope you enjoy!

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