Chapter 22: The royal disaster

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//Sprout's POV//
As we were escorted through the city and into the castle, we began taking in the white and gold architecture, intimidatingly looming over us. Strangely enough, one of the guards had put a tennis ball on Izzy's horn. I'm assuming this was to neutralize her magic or something. What's funny is before this weird time thing, I would've believed the same thing right about now. Moments later, we reached a castle. The gates were opened and we were pushed inside. Once inside, we we instructed to wait on the Queen.

"Her Majesty will arrive any moment now." Said a guard.

Immediately after, a small puppy was seen on the queens throne. Sunny and I both looked at each other in complete confusion. Izzy bowed.

"Your majesty~" she said.

I think she thinks that's the queen? A hatch opened from the ceiling and a beam of light hit us as three pegasus' had floated down onto the throne. Presumably two princesses and a queen. The queen looks at guards in an angry confusion.

"What is this!?" She said, glancing at us as if we were freaks in her eyes.

"Intruders. They were spotted at the edge of the city your majesty."

"Take them to the dungeon. Immediately. I can't have anything ruining Pipp's concert."

Sunny stood up and began speaking quickly.

"Your majesty! Please! We mean no harm. I just have some questions," she pulled out a journal. "I just have some questions, like what do you know about the unity crystals?"

"How do you know about those? Take her away! And confiscate that journal!"

"This is SO going viral!" Pipp interrupted.

The mother had a ghastly expression as she turned towards her daughter who was streaming to all zephyr heights. She quickly grabbed the phone to make an announcement to hopefully calm her citizens.

"People of zephyr heights, have no fear! Your queen has detained these criminals! Now, while I have your attention, don't forget to attend pipp's concert tonight!"

Pipp took her phone back.

"I'll be debuting a new single! That's all for now! See you later pippsqueaks!" She then ended the stream, as I bursted out in laughter.

"Who calls their fans pipsqueaks!?" I said, cackling.

She looked honestly offended as the guards had taken us away and thrown us in what is supposedly the dungeon.

"Hey! Give me back my journal!" Sunny said, sitting in defeat.

"Don't look so sad Sunny! Look, it's not so bad in here! They even have free food!" Izzy said, with an orange slice in her mouth.

I sat staring outside the window. I don't know what to think about this situation. I've never been here before. This whole ordeal is honestly really intimidating for me. I feel really overwhelmed.

in midst of this crisis, I feel myself dissociated. I feel cold, as if I'm not even here. I wish I was home. I know what we're doing is for the better of equestria, but I don't want to be here. I want hitch to hold and kiss me like he used to, I want to sleep by his side and forget about life, death, and everything else. I want him to love me like he did. Why did this have to happen to me? Why me? I feel like I'm still mourning my mother even though she's technically back again. Is something wrong with me?

I blinked and in what felt like a split second Izzy and Sunny were both looking directly at me.

"Why are you crying Sprout?" Izzy said.

"I don't know."

"Cmon, you gotta know. What bothering you?"

"I don't wanna be here."

"Look, I know that being in a dungeon isn't exactly ideal, but we'll get out somehow! We just gotta do it together!"


While Izzy was comforting me, we heard the sound of somepony's hooves approaching our cell.

"Hey. You three. What's your names?" Zipp said as you interrogated from outside of the bars."

Sunny approached the bars and introduced herself.
"Hi! I'm Sunny, that's Izzy, and over there is Sprout! Who might you be?"

"Name's Zipp. I came here to bring you back your journal." She pulled Sunny's leather journal out from under her wings. "I have a few questions though."


"What are the unity crystals?"

"I believe they are three crystals, each representing a type of pony in equestria! I only know what the earth pony one looks like, but I have these sketches from my father."

"Why haven't you asked him?"

Sunny took a long pause before answering.

"He's.. he's no longer with us."

"Oh. I'm sorry..."

"It's alright. But right now we need your help. The unicorns seem to not have magic and we are trying to find out why."

"The unicorns don't have magic!?"

"Why is that surprising to you?"

"The pegasi don't either."

"Then how did you fly?"

"Fishing line."


"Why are you trying to learn about the unity crystals?"

"Well," Sunny paused for a moment. "We plan on unifying them in order to bring harmony to equestria again! It might seem silly, but I know we are really onto something here!"

"Would it bring back magic?"


Zipp unlocked the gate and stepped aside for us to be able to step next to her.

"Come with me. I need to show you something."

We followed her down a spiraling staircase, ending up in a cathedral of stained glass depicting togetherness among all types of ponies.

"What is this place?" Sunny asked curiously.

"I dunno. I think that before ponykind split, this was some kind of gathering place. And about the unity crystal, look." Zipp pointed at the large stained glass window in front of us. "That up there is the crystal on my moms crown. I don't know what the other two are."

Sunny excitedly pulled out her journal and flipped to a brightly colored page. "This are are the unity crystals! I cant believe there's such a huge display of them without description!"

I, not having spoke for awhile, decided to speak up.
"So, how exactly are we supposed to take the gem off of her crown without her noticing?"

//HI READERS! I apologize this part took so long to write, I've been busy! But I promise im already working hard on the next chapter!//

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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