Chapter 17: Interrogation

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//Sprout's POV//
It's been a few days since Sunny's arrest and I still don't know how to feel.

On one hand, I miss my mom. Sure she spent more time at work than with me, but when I was younger we still had good memories. On the other hand. She'd caused me immense pain and suffering when I had tried to just come out to her. She also had thrown me under the bus when she convinced me to take over the town.

She's confusing to think about.

Maybe that's all she is.

I've never hosted a funeral before.

Hitch has been a lot of help so far, but it's still hard

Why can't I get over her?

Is it because I saw her like... that?

My spiraling thoughts are interrupted by Hitch getting my attention.


"Oh! Hey, what's up?"

"You've been staring at your coffee mug for 15 minutes!"


"I was gonna tell you that I'm gonna head to the station. I need to interrogate Sunny. I need her to actually formally confess her crimes."

"Could I go with you?"


"I want to talk to her."

"Well, alright, but don't try anything. I know what she did was wrong, but we gotta be the good guys here."


We both headed towards the station, unlocked to door to interrogate our friend-gone-mad.

"Took you boys long enough."
Sunny said, tapping impatiently.

"We need to ask you some questions."

"I guess I don't have a choice, do I?"

"No. Now let's get started."

Hitch interrogated her before excusing himself to get his pen and paper, which he forgot.

It's just me and her. Alone.



"Why did you do it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you kill her?"


"What do you mean? You just yesterday admitted to having killed my mother!"

She began to tear up in the eyes.

"Why are you crying? You're the one that did it."

"I... I don't know what you are talking about."


"I mean, I don't remember killing anyone, the last thing I remember is when I became an alicorn, when ponykind was united again!"

"Sunny, it's been a few weeks..."


"Yeah. A lot has happened."


"Like, Hitch and I started dating, my mom kidnapped me, I escaped, I met Izzy, my mom ran from being arrested, and then you killed her."

"You're dating Hitch?! Awww!"

"Sunny, focus."

"Sorry. But I really don't remember anything."

I thought for a second. Sunny was never a good liar. She has to be telling the truth. Or at least, I want to believe she is.
"I believe you."


"Yes. But if you really are telling the truth, then we need to find out what's wrong with you, and quick."


Hitch walks back in and approaches me.
"You seem oddly calm. What did you ask her?"

"She didn't do it."

"What? We were both there when she said she did it."

"Hitch, look at me. We both know she can't lie. It's one of the many things I think she can't do, but it's one of them."

"Yeah, but then why would she say all of that? Why would she literally throw me?"

"That wasn't me."
Sunny said.

"Then who was it!? Because I know for a fact that you are the same person that I brought into the station just yesterday."

"It was me, but the last time I was conscious was when ponykind was united. I swear I haven't done anything. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Well then we better figure out because this is gonna be a lot of paperwork."

I leaned against Hitch.
"Then we'll find out, together."

Hitch sighed.

"I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you two ended up falling in love! How did that even happen?"

I smirk.
"I dunno, guess I got a thing for shredded abs and paid off mortgage."

We all laughed.

"It feels good to laugh with both of you again. Just like old times."
Sunny said.

"Once we figure out what's wrong with you we can fix it and hang out for real!"
Hitch replied.

"That would be nice..."

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