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It was finally D today. And to Clar, hers wouldn't represent doom. She'd woken up earlier than Antonio. Beyond anxious about how the day's events would play out. Her stomach was in knots. She'd wanted to skip breakfast but decided against doing so knowing she needed food in her body. The day would be a long one regardless of how it turned out.

For her own good, she earnestly hoped it would turn out in her favor. Her life and body were at stake here.

Before leaving his penthouse for the journey to her parent's grave and then the house that her nana currently resided in, she had asked Antonio if they could pack her bag. She'd changed her belongings into one big Louis Vuitton one. Staffed it with dolls and teddy's at the top showing a peek to Antonio saying she'd wanted to give her cousin the goods and clothes inside as she had promised.

He didn't pay much attention to it and asked one of the guards to place it in the car, it was going with them.

Antonio had asked about her family and she only told him they were many. Clar didn't want to talk much as her nerves were barely in check as she tried to prevent them from going haywire.

Among her relatives, she may have loved her nana the most. She didn't sprout some inconsiderate words in the name of consoling her. She was honest with herself, telling Clar how she hated what had happened to her parents, her child, and her daughter-in-law. It had been her that Clar moaned with and was able to rise up from the dark pit of loss.

The journey to her parents' graveyard was a long one. Within it, she tapped her finger on her lap fidgeting as she went through her thoughts until she settled with those of her parents as she gazed at the buildings that passed by. Happy thoughts brought about a bittersweet comfort. Antonio had covered her hand with his warm bigger one offering a  comfort of sorts.

Each building they passed brought them closer to her childhood surroundings. Nothing extraordinary had changed, a few modifications here and there with a few newly placed buildings. The buildings began to reduce and she knew the graveyard was nearby. She found herself absently hamming the closer they got and drew her lips between her teeth upon realization. His firm hand on hers squeezed with reassurance.

Her gaze landed on his hand and rose up his arm to his face. Taking in his kind smile made her nerves calm down some she was able to return one to him. The car came to a stop and Clarina cursed.

Her nerves an all-time high throughout her system. She retracted her hand from beneath Antonio's and leaned forward, placing her forehead on her knees as she inhaled.

Her loved ones were out the door waiting for her. Antonio's hand rubbed circles on her back and she took comfort in his act. It became harder to come home each year. Partially because of the guilt of how little she visited their stones especially after her family usually tried to reach out to her numerous times.

Clar exhaled shaking her head then sat upright and collected one of the two large wreaths they had bought on the way. She opened the door with one in her hand and got out the door.

Antonio stood up straight beside her after placing a wreath on each individual stone. Handing over to her the cane.

"Wanna say hi to my parents whose baby you're keeping against her will?"She broke the silence. Eyes squinted because of the sun that glared down at them.

Upon glancing at him as they both faced forward, Clar thought he could have slapped her with the murderous glare he sent her way.

"Please say that again Clarina. I don't think their ears caught that ."

She kept her mouth shut and turned her head back in front. She was not about to try him here of all places. He was capable of 'disciplining' her in front of her parent's ashes. She strongly believed that he could.

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