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Hoseok watched yoongi carefully as the boy was making his order and taking subtile glance towards hoseok. Hoseok smirked and smiled at yoongi every time their eyes meet and yoongi looked away while blushing.

Soon the boy was back with hoseok's order and placed it on the table infront of hoseok. Hoseok smiled brightly at yoongi, he held his vanilla latte and took a sip from it. A satisfied hum escape his lips as he eyed yoongi while taking his sips. Yoongi cleared his throat and hesitantly pulled the chair infront of hoseok and took a seat.

Hoseok face immediately lit up at that, he moved the strawberry cake infront of yoongi as if telling him to eat. Yoongi looked at him with a confused look

"Please take a bite " hoseok offered, the smile not leaving his face, yoongi's ears redden at hoseok's words

"No- its- uh yours " yoongi said still trying to process everything, especially why the heck he was sitting there infront of his customer when he was suppose to be at the register taking and making order for his other customers.

"Please i insist " hoseok said, his face slightly dropping, yoongi saw that and his heart gave a tight squeeze, for some reason he didn’t like this looks on hoseok.

So he obliged and took a small bite from the cake, hoseok was looking at him with the fondest look that ever existed.

"So?" yoongi asked, pushing the cake back to hoseok's direction

"So??" hoseok asked confusedly

"Why did you want me to sit with you?" yoongi asked wanting direct answer

"I just like your company " hoseok said shrugging

"You don’t even know me, how can you enjoy my company? " yoongi asked folding his arms and raising a brow at hoseok

"I don’t think we need to know someone personally to enjoy their company " hoseok said giving yoongi the same attitude, yoongi taken a back by hoseok's words. His ears turns red as he looked everywhere but at hoseok's eyes

"You got a point " yoongi admitted, he looked at the clock hanging on the wall and sighed, he shifted his attention back at hoseok "i should go back to work now, thank you for the treat " yoongi said and flashed a gummy smile towards hoseok.

Hoseok's heart flatter at yoongi's smile, a sudden boast of confidence run through hoseok's vain

"I know it’s kind of past considering we Just meet last night but i feel like if don’t say it now i wont able to say it later and who knows if i get the chance again " hoseok took a deep breath, yoongi attentively looked at hoseok's "see i really really like you, i couldn’t stop thinking about throughout the night, i know you might be thinking i am lying but i am not, i have never liked anyone this soon, all am i trying to say is would-would you like to go on a d-date with me? Please?" hoseok said, his eyes pleading the confidence he felt narrow minute ago was gone

Yoongi blinked at hoseok few times, as hoseok's words sank into his mind he furiously blushed and looked down, he bite down his bottom lips to stop himself from smiling, seeing yoongi silent, fear and anxiety took place into hoseok's Spine, he was about to throw as many apology he could

"I-i will need some time to think. I am not rejecting you, i-i just never had anyone asked me before. So i would like to think about this for some times. If it’s Alright with you " yoongi said, his gaze was on the floor entire time he talk, once he finished talking he looked at hoseok's.

Hoseok's eyes lit up with hope and excitement, he excitedly nodded his head towards yoongi, before he realise he should give a verbal response

"Yes yes of course, please take your time. I will wait for you yeah i will wait for you forever " hoseok blurted out, relief washed over yoongi's body and he visually relaxed, a gummy smiled broke into his face

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