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Yoongi opened his apartment door and allowed hoseok inside. They both removed their shoes at the door step. Hoseok's eyes scanning around Yoongi's small cozy apartment. Hoseok took a sharp inhale and smile to himself. He had decided he already like this place.

"Sorry it’s kind of small " yoongi said and rubbed the back of his neck, hoseok looked at yoongi, a bright smile on his face as walked near yoongi. Hoseok slide his hands around Yoongi's waist and pulled the oldest near himself.

"It’s beautiful, cozy and -

And homey "

Hoseok said a smile too big on his face, yoongi smiled at hoseok, his eyes soft and gaze fond. Hoseok notice yoongi's gaze on himself and leaned near yoongi. Hoseok connected their lips together.

He kissed yoongi slow and soft. Yoongi sighing into the kisses. Hoseok sucked yoongi's bottom lips, yoongi parting his lips unknowingly and hoseok shoved his tongue inside yoongi's mouth. Hoseok tongue touch every single corner of yoongi's mouth, their tongue swilling together. Hoseok sucking on yoongi's tongue and the oldest moaning into the kisses.

The kisses soon turned over heated as yoongi managed to slip one of his hand under Hoseok's shirt, hoseok slightly shivered at the contact. Hoseok's hands traveling to yoongi's ass and he cupped both of yoongi's ass on his own. Hoseok squeeze yoongi's ass making yoongi moan into his mouth.

Yoongi's hands roaming around hoseok's body as hoseok tighten his grips around Yoongi's ass. Yoongi shedder in Hoseok's touch. As much as they would like to kissing and abusing eachother lips, they also needed to breath. They broke the kiss, their breath heavy and shaky. Lips bruised and red, sting of saliva connected to their lips.

They both shakily laughed at the hot make out session they just did. Hoseok connected their forehead together, his hot breath falling into yoongi's bruised lips, making the oldest shiver

"I really really like you" hoseok confessed, his eyes closed and forehead connected with yoongi.

Yoongi smiled cheekily, a soft smile on his face as he let his hands touch hoseok's chest and one at the back of Hoseok's head

"I really like you too hoseok " yoongi said, his voice content and happy. Which made hoseok's heart tighten around its.

This time it’s yoongi who connected their lips. This time tho, the kiss isn't heated like before. It was just simple brush of lips on lips. Yoongi pulled away from the kiss as he took hoseok's hands on his own and dragged the youngest to the small kitchen of yoongi's cozy apartment.

"What do you want to eat seok-ah?" yoongi asked, already looking through his freeze for food. Hoseok shrugged his shoulder, he leaned Against the kitchen counter, arms holding together over his chest.

"Will you cook for me?" hoseok asked, a teasing smile on his lips. Yoongi looked at hoseok and saw the smug looks on hoseok face and rolled his eyes

"Yes i will Cook and for you information i am a excellent cook " yoongi said leaning against the freezer, folding his own arms, matching Hoseok's pose.

Hoseok laughed at yoongi words and shaked his head, he doesn’t have any doubt that yoongi will be excellent cooks. But It's always  fun to tease the oldest, so hoseok decided to tease yoongi a little more.

"I will be the judge of that" hoseok said, his smiles and smile challenging. Yoongi raised one of his brows and stand himself properly

"Is this a challenge " yoongi asked, eyes sharp

"It is " hoseok confirmed, the smug look not disappearing from his face as he challenged the oldest.

"Okay then bring it on " yoongi said, opening the freeze once again, bringing out ingredients for the food he is going to Cook. Hoseok smiled at that.

The kitchen smelled wonderful as yoongi continue to steer the fried rice on the stove. Hoseok still leaning into the kitchen counter. They occasionally chatter here and there. Hoseok looked at yoongi with too much fondly looks.

As hoseok watched yoongi cooking and taking out utensils every now and then, two thought ctift into his mind.

One : Yoongi will make a good of home maker.

Two : hoseok can watch yoongi doing this for as loon as yoongi will allow him to see.

Yoongi soon placed two plate at the dinning table, hoseok making himself comfortable on the chair even before yoongi could tell him. For some odd reason hoseok felt oddly comfortable into yoongi's apartment, as if he has been living there. Hoseok doesn’t feel like this is the first time he has visited yoongi's apartment. Yoongi taking the seat beside him.

The dinner was filled with more conversation and their thigh brushing into eachother sometimes. None of them seems to mind it. They mostly talked about their work life. As much as they are comfortable with eachother, It's still true that, they don’t know eachother complete yet.

Once the dinner was done, they settled into yoongi's couch, yoongi on top of hoseok as a movie was playing in the background. Tho they Didn't paid any attention to it since they were busy sucking eachother faces.

Yoongi broke the kiss and looked into hoseok's eyes, yoongi removed few strends hair from Hoseok's eyes and placed a kiss on hoseok's nose. Making hoseok giggle underneath him.

"I won the challenge " yoongi mumbled into Hoseok's lips, hoseok humming into agreement.

"Yes you did " hoseok said, he took one of yoongi's lips under his own and start sucking on them. Yoongi doesn’t protests.

"D-do you accept now that i am the best chef? " yoongi asked breathlessly once hoseok stopped sucking his lips.

Hoseok pretend to think for sometime as he hummed "i think i needs more convincing, you can cook for me more often and maybe one day i will accept i" hoseok said, the smug look from earlier back into his face, yoongi whinnied and slapped Hoseok's chest. Hoseok laughing wholeheartedly at that.

"God you are the worst. I hate you" yoongi said as he tried to loosen hoseok's  arms around him and struggling to wiggling out of Hoseok's hands.

"You don’t " hoseok said, his grips tightening around yoongi's body as he pulled the smaller boy even closer.

Yoongi sighed and shaked his head, he has stopped moving his body

"I don’t " he confirmed, he bite his lips to stop the smile spreading throughout his lips as he looked at hoseok's beautiful smile.

"Good " hoseok said and placed a kiss on yoongi's forehead. Yoongi smiled one last time, before he layed his head on hoseok's chest and closed his eyes.

Hoseok holding him close to him with one hand as his other hand play with yoongi's hair, slowly luring the oldest into sleep. Yoongi felt his eyelid getting heavy, as hoseok's warm and comfortable hand continue to play with his hair. Hoseok's calm and steady breath helping him a little bit. Hoseok's slow heartbeat soft music to yoongi's ear as the oldest drifted into sleep.

Yoongi doesn’t know how much he had slept, when he opened his eyes, he found himself laying on top of hoseok, Hoseok's hand stiff into his hair as slow breath came out of the youngest. Hoseok looked deep into sleep. Yoongi took few moment to appreciate sleeping Hoseok's beauty before he decided to lay back where he was and closed his eyes Once again.

Yoongi slept peacefully into Hoseok's arms, with Hoseok's steady breath and calm heart beat around him. Before yoongi drift into complete darkness, he realize Hoseok's heart beat and his arms around yoongi kind of feel like home. Hoseok reminded yoongi of home.

~To be continue~

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