first time

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Hoseok was the first one to woke up in the morning. The sunlight illuminated into the room throughout the curtain yoongi had forgotten to pulled out last night. Hoseok groaned and opened his eyes slowly. When he tried to move he felt a body weight on him, so he looked down.

Hoseok's heart squeeze at the sight of yoongi sleeping peacefully on top of Hoseok's chest. Hoseok smiled sleepily at yoongi, the boy had his face buried into hoseok's chest explaining how the sunlight didn’t hit him yet. Hoseok hand tighten around Yoongi's waist as he held the boy close to him for few more seconds.

Even tho they have been dating little over a week. Hoseok already feel safe with yoongi. There's no doubt in his mind that he likes yoongi a whole lot and he wants to spend as much time as he could with yoongi. Hoseok closed his eyes for few seconds but was forced to open them again because of the sunlight.

Hoseok slowly sat down From his laying position, he pulled yoongi with him as gently as he could. Hoseok pulled his legs carefully, he put yoongi's head on his chest as hoseok's feet touch the ground. Hoseok remember yoongi telling him that yoongi in fact was a very heavy sleeper. It was very hard to wake him up Once he went into deep Slumber.

Hoseok carefully put yoongi's head on the couch, yoongi moving a little bit, probably missing hoseok's warmth since the boy was no longer holding yoongi close to his chest. Hoseok carefully put the blanket on top of yoongi and watched yoongi turning into a small ball. Hoseok's heart flatter at the sight. He removed some hair from yoongi's face and placed a small kiss on yoongi's forehead.

Hoseok walked near the window and pulled the curtain back so that the sunlight doesn’t wake yoongi up. Hoseok took a glimpse of the outside and he realize it was still early. Hoseok stretch his arms, waving off the last bit of sleep in his voice. Hoseok looked back at yoongi and smiled at his sleeping figure.

Hoseok thought now was a good time to look around the small cozy apartment since it was day. And the sunlight was making the place more beautiful than it already was. So while yoongi slept, hoseok roamed around the apartment. Eventually decided to make some breakfast for both of them.

Yoongi woke up simply because he fall from the couch while he was trying to tossing around. The warmth and comfort yoongi felt was now gone and he was subconsciously trying to find the comfort back into his body. Yoongi's falling made a loud thud and he groaned which almost sound like whine.

Yoongi opened his eyes slowly and blinked few times to clear his vision. He looked around his surrounding and found Himself tangle into the blanket as he was sitting on the cold floor. Yoongi clicked off the blanket from him and made himself stand up. His eyes immediately start searching up for hoseok.

Yoongi's heart skip a beat thinking maybe hoseok has already left, without informing him. But his thought came to stop when heard light hum and smell of food from the kitchen. Yoongi rushed himself to the kitchen and there he saw hoseok cooking which he assumed was breakfast for both of them and humming to a song that was playing from the latte phone.

A smile tug onto yoongi's lips as he slowly approach hoseok not to startled the youngest. Hoseok notice yoongi the moment he set foot inside the kitchen. Hoseok smile brightly at yoongi and walked closer to him. He pulled yoongi closer to him by putting his hand on yoongi's waist. Yoongi didn’t complaint

"Morning babe, how'd you sleep?" hoseok asked, removing some strend hair from yoongi's eyes.

"Morning, i slept well " yoongi paused for a moment as he thought about something, hoseok didn’t speak since he understood yoongi wasnt done walking yet. "Actually this was the best sleep i have ever had in my life time. I slept like a baby. How about you? " yoongi finally said after moment of pause and smiled at hoseok, his gum filled smile.

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