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Yoongi enter the café and his eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw how crowed the café was. Yoongi made his away to the staff room, he saw jimin taking order after order and jungkook running around to give people their order. Yoongi blinked at all this crowd as he wore his apron.

"Yoongi can you go and handle the register please? I need jimin here to prepare the orders " yoongi heard seokjin talking to him from where the coffee machines were

"Okay hyung" yoongi said and made his way to the register, his eyes widen as he saw how long the line were. Today he enter the café from backdoor so he didn’t notice the line outside the café. Yoongi walked near jimin and placed a comforting hand on the latte shoulder

"Minnie go and help jin hyung, i will handle here " yoongi said and jimin nodded his head as fast as he could

"Thanks the fuck, finally " jimin said and practically run behind the register to go to seokjin. Yoongi looked at the crowd infront of him and gulped, this is going to be Very long day. Yoongi can feel it in his bones.

Yoongi continue to take orders, he didn’t had the chance to breath properly as people after people start walking inside the café, the Café was full and all the seat were already occupied. While taking orders yoongi can't help but wonder from where the fuck All this people are coming from all of sudden.

It’s not like the café doesn’t get crowded often. Seokjin café is kind of famous in this area and they have their regulars. Even tho the café is kind of famous they never had that much crowed in their entire years of owing the café here. Yoongi has been taking order for more than a hour now and he was visibly exhausted.

"What can i get for you ma'am?" yoongi asked the girl infront of him. The girl weren’t older than 19 by judging her look

"I will like to order a caramel latte and i would like to sit here to drink my drink " the girl said, yoongi noted down her order on the computer and looked at her

"Sorry ma'am but as you can see there's no place to seat here, you can take out your order. I will make it prepare for you as soon as possible " yoongi politely said, the girl face fall at yoongi's words

"No i want to sit here and drink my coffee here " the girl demanded, the sweetest tone from earlier disappearing

"Sorry ma'am but we don’t have any empty seat right now " yoongi said and gave her a polite smile he forced himself to make "why does everyone want to sit inside today? What's wrong with people " yoongi mumble under his breath but the girl infront of him heard him

"You don’t know?" the girl asked,yoongi tilt his head and looked at her with a confused face

"Know what?" yoongi asked

"People saw jhope existing this café many times, they think it’s his favourite café, he also once posted a picture of him in this café " the girl said her face seems dreamy as she continue to talk about jhope. Yoongi felt jealousy  running throughout his veins.

"And what's does it have to do with people wanting  sit inside here?" yoongi asked, his voice annoyed with jealousy

"Are you dumb?" the girl asked equally annoyed

"Excuse me?" yoongi asked, his annoyance turing into anger, how dare this girl talking with him this way, the girl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms

"We want to sit here because we know jhope will come here sometime and we will Have a chance to see him and taking picture with him. You are really dumb aren’t you?" the girl asked eyeing yoongi up and down. Yoongi's ears turn because of the embarrassment and anger. Yoongi took a deep breath calm himself down

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