𓆩♡𓆪 sneaky link 𓆩♡𓆪

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You: you up?

Joon: I just got home.

Joon: why? Miss me already?

You: maybe...

You: I'm bored and figured you'd wanna have some fun...

Joon: you know I'm always down to have fun with you...

Joon: give me fifteen minutes and I'll swing by your place.

You: see you soon!

Joon: 😉

Your stomach flips with excitement as you hop off your bed to straighten up your place. You had come home from a night out with some of your girl friends, tipsy and a little needy if you were being honest.

You and Namjoon had been seeing each other in secret for a few months now. It wasn't supposed to be more than a one night stand, but since you both shared a similar friend group, you found that you and him would bump into one another often.

There was an attraction between the both of you, that's something you couldn't deny. He had a way with words that would send shivers down your spine, making you eager to drop to your knees and show him just how skilled you were with your own tongue. And even though hooking up was never something you would've entertained in the past, you found an exception with Namjoon.

You were on the cusp of entering your dream job while Namjoon worked a rigorous and demanding job as an editor. Neither of you wanted anything more than the agreement you both currently had–a friends with benefits scenario. It was an understanding that you both didn't mind, and thankfully, it works.

Namjoon arrives at your place just after midnight. It's routine at this point–you or him driving to the others' place for a late night rendezvous. It was preferred by the both of you.

Wearing a lacy number, you open the door for Namjoon. His eyes drag up and down your form, drinking in the sight of how the lingerie clings to your curves.

I'm the beginning, you would've been too embarrassed to take such a bold approach, but Namjoon has never made you feel uncomfortable or awkward for wanting sex. In fact, his influence has given you quite the confidence boost. It shows in the way you carry yourself these days–head up and proud. He makes you feel sexy, so now, you like to dress the part.

"Damn, Y/n." Namjoon says in an approving tone as a smirk tugs at his lips. "You're like the human incarnate of seduction."

A pleased smile pulls across your face. "I knew you'd like this."

He steps through the front door, promptly shutting it before closing the distance between the both of you.

His hungry lips find yours and, almost immediately, desire ignites in your stomach. His lips mold against yours in a dominating way that your very breath is stolen away.

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