⋆·˚ ༘ * Warped Tour Love ⋆·˚ ༘ *

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Taehyung was excitedly trailing behind his two best friends, Yoongi and Namjoon. They always loved introducing him to new music and today was no exception. Yoongi and Namjoon had dragged Tae along to experience the 2016 Summer Warped Tour. Ever since he heard of their stories about the previous summer attending the all day music festival, Tae begged to come along for this summer. So, making good on their promise, Tae accompanied the two older boys, hoping he can have a blast while listening to some of his favorite bands.

"If we time things right," Namjoon begins while pushing his way through the crowd, "We can catch all of our favorite bands without any issue."

"Of course you'd have an itinerary planned for a music festival." Yoongi teases while poking him in the side.

Namjoon smacks his hand away when the attempt is made again. "Was there anyone in particular you wanted to see, Tae?"

He smiles broadly as the three make their way to one of the smaller stages. "Well, I know that Waka Flocka, Summer Set, and Yellowcard will be playing later this evening at the Journey's Left Foot Stage, so if we can make it to those, then I'm good."

Namjoon nods his head while glancing over the setlist. It was typical for Namjoon to assume the role as "designated day planner" since the guy had a knack for assuring things run smoothly. "That's doable. Yoongi wants to be able to catch the State Champs set and I'm eager to see Crown the Empire, so I think our time blocks don't interfere with anyone else's."

"And we gotta also make sure we stay hydrated. This summer heat is fucking killer this year." Yoongi chimes in while glaring up at the sun.

It was early August in California, making the place swelter with heat. The crowd filing in did no service in keeping the area cool, but thankfully there were various tents lined up to provide shade and areas to cool down if the summer sun became overwhelming.

"Yeah, I brought our backup water and if our phones die we can just head over to the designated charging stations near the side." Namjoon adds in.

They had drafted up a plan if the three had somehow gotten separated—to meet at a cool-down station and wait there. Considering that the place was filled with a bunch of people wearing band tees and plaid, getting lost wasn't that difficult to happen.

"Yeah, I know." Tae says while exhaling a chuckle.

The trio wound up cruising by a few of the stages, staying long enough to listen to a few of the newer bands to the scene. Tae himself was fairly new to the music scene. Being the child of a university professor and medical practitioner, this was hardly what his parents would want him to partake in.

He watches Yoongi and Namjoon tease one another, a small bite of envy sinking into his skin because they shared something special. The two had been dating for over a year now and it was sweet, endearing even, but sometimes it left Tae feeling like a third wheel. The two did their best to not make it so, and Tae never blamed them for sharing their cute moments together, but it really emphasized how Tae was single.

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