˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚blind date˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

You were waiting at the bar-top, carefully watching as time ticked by at a slow pace.

The drink you had ordered was nearly gone and you weren't in a rush to get a refill. If you were being honest, you were determined to just head home if another ten minutes were to pass by and your blind date didn't show up.

Your friend had the brilliant idea of setting you up on a blind date because she felt your love life has been 'dryer than the Sahara'—her words, not yours. You had reminded her countless times that your job was demanding and that your priorities weren't putting relationships high on your list, but she insisted. And soon, her persistence won you over—begrudgingly that is, hence why you're waiting at some fancy bar for a stranger to arrive.

More time passed and the ice cubes in your mixed drink were beginning to melt, creating a watery mixture of your beverage. Glancing at your phone and seeing that there was no new notification, you figured you could call it a night.

You: The date still hasn't showed up...

Friend: Just hang in there. Maybe he's running late.

You: 40 minutes late? I look pathetic!

Friend: that prick!

You: I think I'm calling it a night...

Friend: Have another drink and I can meet you. We'll make the best of it since I know you wore that dress that does wonders for your tits.

You: I hate you...

Friend: no you don't...

You were in the midst of typing out a response when a deep voice asks, "You're Gia, right?" The sudden abruption nearly has your soul exiting your body as you make a concentrated effort to not drop your phone.

"Um, no." You reply hesitantly while turning around to get a better look at the person speaking.

You're momentarily stunned when you see who the voice belongs to; a man with dangerously handsome looks resting upon a tall frame, broad shoulders, and a charming smile. You feel a blush dust across your cheeks as you thickly swallow down your nerves.

"Sorry, I'm supposed to meet someone and they never showed up." He apologizes, flashing a sheepish grin to which your eyes catch the lip ring he's sporting.

"Looks like you and I are in the same boat." You remark candidly, flashing him a knowing smile while doing so.

His brows shoot upward. "Now what idiot would stand you up?" He asks, expression shifting from shock to flustered to amusement in a matter of seconds. "Sorry, I just—you look gorgeous to be sitting here by yourself." He quickly adds on, eyes trailing over your seated frame.

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